Friday, 5 June 2020

5 in 5 - June 2020 - SEEDARTLAB

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th 
of each month I post 5 photos that I have 
taken in 5 minutes.

Recently I joined an online course called SEEDARTLAB.  Run by artist and seed enthusiast, Sophie Manns, this course has everything that inspires me:

·         Nature

·         Mindfullness

·         Journalling

·         Photography

·         Printing

·         Sketching

·         Creativity

·         and inspiration

This introduction course leads into Sophie’s other work, but is self-standing and I have been very inspired and impressed with the content. I can’t wait to complete this and start the next course, but I am reining myself in and taking my time so that I can enjoy and fully appreciate each carefully thought-out stage. 

Despite Sophie’s advice to follow the structure, I jumped about a bit. But there was good reason, because a beautiful self seeded nasturtium had inspired me to buy seeds and plant some more. There was one problem - buying seeds during lock down proved challenging. Luckily garden centres were one of the first businesses to reopen as restrictions began to lift, and I didn't want to delay sowing the seeds any longer.  

One of our challenges was to take 50 photos of a chosen seed, and I decided that nasturtiums would be ideal. And so, I jumped straight in and took photos from every angle; taking individual seeds, groups, and different formations. I used this as a mindfull practice, looking closely and noticing that there was a lot of variation among the seeds.

These simple flowers give great delight, and you can eat the flowers, leaves and seeds, so they certainly earn their place in my garden. The seeds are now planted into pots and I look forward to seeing their first shoots and enjoying their splash of colour.

As well as taking photos of the nasturtium seeds I went around the garden looking for other seed examples. I made a collage of the photos and created some artistic effects. These will be used in work to follow, and some of my favourite photos are of honesty seeds that I arranged in a spiral (Bottom centre) and foxglove with it's long curling tendral. 


Meanwhile I also collected mark making tools and chose natural materials that included sticks and brushes made of grass.


My next task was to create a collection of papers using the mark making tools and ink.  I used a variety of different papers including hand made (local seaweed) and tissue paper.  I love making marks with ink but am often held back by not knowing what to do with the prints. Part of the enjoyment is the process and surprise, but ever growing piles of paper prints just take space unless I have ideas for using them.  Luckily Sophie Manns provides inspiration and I look forward to what comes next.

And another part of the course involves journalling, sketching; and simply playing, to explore ways of using materials and ideas. 

I had every intention of making my own journal but while clearing and organising my creative space I discovered a pile of good quality sketchbooks that I had bought for a bargain price when a art supplier cleared its stock. A lovely surprise, that I had forgotten! I used more of my photos to create a college for its cover, and can't wait to get started on this. I have a big stash of mark making, and 100's of photos; because as well as 50+ of nasturtium seeds I took another 50+ of dandelion seeds and many of the honesty. That's in addition to all the other seed photos taken around the garden and on a visit to a local public garden when it reopended this week.   

 And there is still more, because I have been inspired by seed pod designs and cut some simple shapes out of foam which I glued onto mountboard. These have made lovely stamps that I will use in different ways, and my head is bursting with ideas. I just need time for all that I want to do, but I will continue to be patient and not rush. Clearing my creative space has at least given me somewhere to set up, so that my materials are to hand. That is another work in progress, and far from finished, but this creative course is giving me the motivation and focus to follow it through. 

If you are interested in finding out more about SEEDARTLAB Online Introductory Course you can do so here.  It's a course I highly recommend and it has come at the perfect time for me.

Thank you for visiting and I hope that what ever you are doing, you are safe and well. As always I invite you to join in this monthly 5in5 photo challenge. It's very simple, and it offers a new way of looking through the camera lens and adding a spark of new ideas.

So here's how it works: 

1.  Choose a location.
2.  Have your camera ready.
3.  Set a mobile timer for 5 minutes.
4.  Take as many photos you can until the time is up.
5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool 
You have until the 25th of the month to add your photos and if you want to know more about 5in5 there are details here.
And one more thing - when you use the link tool, please click on your post title.  This will show the web address. Please right click, copy and paste this as your link.  This will take readers directly to your '5 in 5' blog page and be easier for them to find.


  1. Wow. You have been busy and have had a lot of fun too

    1. It has been fun Maggie. It's still work in progress but there is no rush or time limit. I look forward to coming back and doing more when I have time.

  2. Sounds like a fascinating course! I hope you'll share more about it as you work through it.

    1. Thank you Karen. It certainly is something I am enjoying, and from others that I have done.

  3. What an interesting way to create art with seeds. I am often amazed what seeds look like & then marvel at the beauty of the plant that comes from them. Always good life lessons. Your mark art is quite intriguing, I want to see more.

    1. Thank you! I am certainly enjoying the course and trying things I had not thought of before. I am looking at seeds with fresh eyes and as you say, to think that a whole plant (and especially a tree) comes from that tiny gorwth. It is almost incomprehensible.

  4. That looks and sounds most interesting, and I will follow your link in a few moments. You've amassed a great collection of papers and marks there ... Splendid that you found those notebooks - sometimes the universe moves in mysterious ways?

    1. Thank you Alexa. The universe does move in mysterious ways, and sometimes exciting ones too. I'm really enjoying this course and all the different ideas. It was just what I was looking for, and it will be work in progress for a while but that's okay. It is something to look forward to when time allows.

  5. This would make an excellent photo project for me - the photographing the seeds part, not the mark making. You have inspired me.

    I'm in the middle of sorting my creative space. It didn't particularly look untidy but when I started going through everything there was so much 'stuff' that could go, and the process of clearing has somehow released whatever it was blocking my creative side!

  6. Photographing seeds in such detail is not something I had thought about before, and I have really enjoyed it. Since starting this course I have noticed so many seeds, and how different they all are. And that leads to other ideas too!
    Good luck with your own sorting, Eileen. It's amazing how much we accumulate and going through it can be helpful. I'm finding my own creativity has been invigorated too, hence my signing up to new courses. I'm trying to balance the sorting and the making so that my plan to thoroughly reorganize my space and get rid of stuff I no longer need does not get hindered. I'm finding that the clearing is adding to my creativity and inspiration, so that helps to motive me and keep the momentum.


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