20th June
Why is it when you want to find the words they don't come, and when you haven't much to say, they do? Oh well.... no time for pondering or feeling frustrated, because today is my 2nd blogiversary. Last year I organised a Blog Hop which was such fun but sadly time means I need to celebrate in a different way this year. Hopefully I can do a Blog Hop another time.....
Looking back at my posts this year I realised how many things I had achieved. Some of these started as a thought, a page torn out of a magazine, or an idea written in a notebook.
Or, in this case, a post: '5 Things 5 Years from Now'. And I have a big smile because it could have read '5 Things 1 Year from Now'. Because all those things have been achieved and other things too:
My first art journalling pages
A trip to Sark (a long time wish)
Collection of our campervan (f-i-n-a-l-l-y!)
Taking part in Pass the Book, as well as sending and receiving good mail.
And we also spent time in North Wales. It is our son's favourite place and he had been wanting to share some time with us there ever since he fell in love with the area. When we went up Mount Snowdon we discovered someone had driven their car near to the summit. It seems the owner had it on his list of 50 things to do before you die. I can think of other things I'd put on my list.... and they would be less adventurous as I don't need adrenalin buzzes. You see, I am happy with the simple things of life, and being spontaneous or finding ways of managing the mundane keep me satisfied. If I had a list it would feature travel, family, creativity, and of course photography, so driving a car up a mountain would not be included (although finding a route might be described as creative).
So, just leave a comment, letting me know which of the above links you liked and why.
I will choose a name from random on Friday 29th June.
There is a second Giveaway offered to the first person who can say what my Word for 2012 is.
Thank you to everyone who follows, comments or reads my posts. I feel part of a wonderful network and never cease to be inspired, amazed, and touched by your own writing and creativity. And by the way, I'm interested to know what you might put on your list if you had one!
(Just in case you are wondering how they got the car down from the mountain, it was loaded onto the train that carries passengers and materials to the summit ).