My daughter doesn't understand my obsession with paper craft, though she appreciates what I make. However, I do understand her obsession with fabrics, and with upcycling, because I share that.
And imagine my joy when I saw a photo of my smallest granddaughter on Facebook wearing a dress that Emma had just made.
For the fabric Emma used one of her tops that she no long wears and she made up her own pattern. Wren looks the perfect model and seems happy to wear her new dress!
Then I found a wonderful website for vintage style fabrics: www.fancymoonfabric.co.uk. I just had to look them up and oohed and aghed for a bit. I see see an order following.
And to complete the hat trick Alissa posted about a new magazine called Mollie Makes. I just had to look out for it today and joy of joys I found a copy in Asda. I intend to curl up with with a nice cup of tea and linger over each scrumptious page just as soon as I finish this. And to wet your appetite here is the video that Alissa posted. I just had to share and while the kettle boils I shall watch it again... it is just so cute!
Have a good day and don't forget June 20th is my blog-birthday-hop!
Lots of amazing people are taking part so hop along with us and have some fun.
Hope to see you soon, I'm off to boil the kettle!