I thought I'd share my latest make and a tutorial and as I love sewing (among so many other things!) I asked Lisa if she could send me some haberdashery designs. A part from the laser cuts the materials are all up-cycled or what I had on hand, and if you use any of these ideas please do pop back and let me know as I'd love to see them. Let's start, shall we!
I made this project on a craft retreat and there is a lack of photos of the stages as I did not plan to write a tutorial at the time (I was probably too busy having fun and chatting!) But the stages are easy to describe so I'll take you through step by step:
First I took an empty box.
1. I painted the box white so that the colour did not show through. Depending on your base colour you may not need to do this. Wait for the paint to dry before you cover it.
2. I used tissue paper from a vintage sewing pattern to cover the inside and outside of the box. Diluted PVA worked well, and I applied it to the box itself as the tissue is fragile. That said, being so thin tissue is also easy to gently push into awkward corners so it is good to work with. NOTE: I worked out any wording or design that I wanted to show and cut the paper to fit. You could also add the design as a layer if you prefer. Here is the back and underside:
3. While the tissue paper dried I started to work on the laser cuts. This sewing machine fitted perfectly on top of the box and I looked at various ways I could decorate it. Paint? Stamp? Ink? In the end I decided I wanted a pattern so I chose printed paper and used the sewing machine as a template to draw the outline on the back of the paper. After I had cut it out I glued it into position using Collall. Once it was dry I added a small stamped flourish and a some words.
4. I hadn't taken any threads with me, but the great thing about being a way with friends is that someone always has what you need! So I wound embroidery silk around the bobbin and used double sided tape to secure. I then glued the sewing machine onto the lid. I used my glue gun but was too impatient to let the glue heat properly and it dried before it stuck
so I borrowed Evostick from another friend and this worked a treat.
5. I used Paper Arty chalk paints to decorate the bobbins and once dry I inked a line to add detail. I wound round more embroidery silk and used Evostick to glue the MDF to the box.
6. I painted a laser cut button and used the same small flourish to add detail. More embroidery silk was threaded through the holes to add texture and colour. I used one of my rubber stamps to make a button card and glued the button on.
7. Finally I added the safety pin and needle and thread. I love the detail of these and so I simply added a light wash of paint to define the thread. Sometimes less is more, I think.
8. I added a couple of final stamped imaged inside the box and now it is ready to post to Lisa for display in the shop.
I had great fun making this box and am working on another project that I will share once it is finished. Meanwhile if you would like to see what other laser cut designs are available why not pop over to That Craft Place and take a look?
Thanks for popping by.