weekly meme 'Me on Monday' and lots of my blog friends take part. I often think I will join the party but never do. Until now. Because I have a post to write as part of my 30 Day Blogging Challenge and I have had a fun weekend. So why wait any longer?!
Friday was the start of my weekend. It was a get-up at silly-hour kind-of-day so that I could fit more in. Out of necessity that is, rather than choice, because I had places to go and things to do. I try to be organised and prepared. Really!
I had planned to pack for a weekend away before I went to bed but I was tired and sometime I need to listen to my body and rest. And as it happens I am more active in the morning, so I set the alarm and then spent the next couple of hours packing my materials and equipment into bags while trying to think what projects I wanted to work on. There was also bags with clothes, bedding, and bits-I-can't-leave-at-home, you know the kind of things, mobile charger, reading book, journal, and wine....
It was also a shower, dress up and wear a necklace kind-of-day.
I had booked to attend a business woman's experience day, so I had workshops to attend, parking space to find, and a smart bag instead of my usual one. It was also tense drive in traffic kind-of-day, thinking I will be late and all the car park spaces taken. Instead, everything flowed. I arrived early, parked and booked in. I got a
bag of goodies (sorry, I tried a spirula cereal bar and decided the chickens may like them more than me!) and then it was successive workshops, each thoroughly worth attending. One of these was presented by Sarah Arrow, who runs the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, and it was lovely to meet her in person. I enjoyed a Reiki session and a workshop about Inner Warrior, and let's face it, it is important to work, rest, and play!!
It was a leave early kind-of-day, because my friend Jill would be on my doorstep when I got home. And she was! So it was open the front door, load all my bags and boxes into her car, and be off again kind-of-day.
It was excited-chat in the car journey, and finally, a letting-go as we pulled into the car park and unloaded our things into the hall. It was a hello-lovely-to-see-you again kind-of-day, as we blew up lilos, made up beds, and prepared for our weekend camping in a hall. We know how to live it up!! And as friends arrived, and paper and glue spread, the busy day slipped into a memory. Despite my early start, who wants to be the first to go to bed? Not me! I was up with the rest til gone midnight. Because that's what weekends are about.
Saturday was another create and chill kind-of-day, with cake o'clock and lovely home cooked meals. With Kerry pulling-it-together, this weekend is easy flowing and as relaxing as any expensive spa. It was a thinking-of-you card making, and lots of book making kind-of-day and with clocks going back we gained an extra hour too. But Sunday comes all to soon and in the afternoon it was a pack up kind-of-day. But for once I left feeling as relaxed as I arrived. A lesson learned kind-of-day. Because usually I am last to finish packing and tables and chairs are being cleared around me. I feel under pressure and each time I try a different tack - start packing earlier in the day, clear up as I go - but nothing made any difference. Until yesterday. I started to pack after lunch and just kept out a few materials that I was using. It worked! Come time to go I was packed within minutes and ready first! It was a drive home feeling refreshed and content kind-of-day.
Back home it was time to catch up with the family. My son had stayed over and the men had spent their weekend playing with camper vans and buying a Nexus tablet. It was a cook a curry and chill
kind-of-day to end. And that was just perfect. Just like my weekend. And that's Me on Monday. Thanks for popping by and I'll be back tomorrow.