Have you heard about Shimelle Lane's Blogging for Scrapbookers class? I subscribed after I had set up my blog and have been waiting for it to go 'live' again so that I can be part of an online community. Lots of the members met on an earlier course and set up their blogs around the same time. How lovely to be part of something so special! Some even got together on Skype last weekend! Luckily I have got to know some of these people a long the way and blogging has opened up a whole new world of networking and friendships.
I wonder where it will go from here?
I had no plans to be creative today, but I was inspired by 'scrappysue' a member who posted her scrapbook page on the forum. I just had to lift her idea and do it! It's my first page where I have not used a photo, and because I could do it quite quickly and without getting out loads of stash I could not resist the urge. I'm not satisfied that it is finished and when I have more time I will revisit and make it more my style, but for now it does what I want. It was good looking back over the history of my blog, something I've not done before. It made me realise that I don't blog as frequently as I'd like, and when I do I tend to do a big post as I have so much to say! Something to work on!
I'm looking forward to learning lots of new ideas and techniques. I still consider myself new to blogging (since June 2010) and with much to learn, and hopefully this class will give me a lead.
The sun is shining and I should be doing 101 other things so that's it for today. Enjoy the weather, creating, or what ever it is you are doing. My plan is to write shorter and more regular posts. There - I've said it!!