Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography. Every month since the start of this challenge Melanie has taken part in this monthly meme and as she doesn't have her own blog I post here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part, so over to you Melanie:
"Here is my effort for an April 5 in 5. The photos got taken on April 5th but only now am I sitting down to look at them and pick out my five for my 5 in 5 submission. On April 5th I had a visit to the McLaren Vale wine area which is just half an hour down the road from us. The McLaren Vale area has over 70 cellar doors and over 160 vineyards. Just before Christmas a new icon for the region opened its doors. It is known as ‘The D’Arenberg Cube’ and can be seen for miles around. It is more than just a cellar door even before entering the cube the outdoor speakers present one with sounds produced by a weather station and maybe the sounds represent the emotions of the vines. There are five floors to the Cube Inside there are museum artefacts, a sensory room with 44 different smells to inhale, a video to watch, an art collection to look at, an interesting mirrored stairwell and of course a tasting of the wines. The glass tasting room on the top floor has outside balconies with amazing panoramic views. One can see the sea in the distance and get an idea of the extent of the vines. The toilets with their fake foliage are also worth a visit especially the men’s where the urinals cause you to smile. You can read more about how the cube came about at the following link: https://www.darenberg.com.au/the-experience/darenberg-cube-experience The photos I took on the outside before entering. There are two photos of outside sculptures. The one on the left hand side is known as ‘Floating Figure’, made from 5mm Corten steel. The photo next to Floating Figure is the Cube as viewed form the car park area then the second sculpture included is known as ‘Banksia’ it is also made from Corten Steel. It did indeed look like a banksia. There are actually 30 outdoor sculptures around the grounds. My top photo on the right is of vines near the Cube and the bottom right photos is a section of the entrance.
This visit to the cube was not my first. I first visited shortly after it opened then in January we have friends from the UK visiting so we took them and this month I went with our daughter who was on a flying visit form England. She arrived on Easter Monday and left on the Friday so visiting the Cube was squeezed in on the Thursday. Certainly an experience worth doing and since opening its doors it has become one of the most popular with an estimated 1,00 people a day visiting over the summer months. Thought I’d include a photo I took while checking out the men’s toilet on an earlier visit :-
Well I will say bye for now and hope you enjoy the outside views of D’Arenberg cellar door".
Thank you Melanie for sending this post! It looks an amazing place to visit and I can see why this new venture is so popular. The men's toilets are certainly novel and if these are an example of what else you might see, a fun day is in store!
There is still time to add your own 5in5 photos this month so if you would like to find out how to join in, please go to this months post for details.
There is still time to add your own 5in5 photos this month so if you would like to find out how to join in, please go to this months post for details.
And more about this monthly photo challenge started can be found here. Thank you for visiting and to everyone who contributes, it wouldn't be the same without you!