I LOVE getting post through the mail, don't you?
I couldn't wait to unwrap and read the pages, which I did at every available opportunity. Such a lovely thing to receive through the post.
I will say more when I offer to Pass the Book next week. So if you would like to join in this fun and gesture of sharing look out for the blog post and leave a comment.
I also received another wonderful surprise through my letterbox, an amazing original painting by the very talented Natasha May.
Called 'Changes' this painting is based on Alice in Wonderland and it formed part of a story told by Natasha. I love the vidid colours and whimsical style. I was the very lucky name randomly drawn, so imagine my excitement and gratitude!
If you want to check out Natasha's other wonderful works of art she also has an etsy shop.
And finally, they postcard that I sent to myself arrived! My husband asked who it was from and when I said 'me' he quietly said something about 'Billy no friends' and walked away. Well, I wouldn't know where to begin, in explaining, so I left it as that! I know he said it in jest, and that he appreciates this is part of my wacky world of creativity. He also knows he would never understand and so he watches and supports me, and more than that he tolerates my chaos and mess. I consider myself lucky.
But I digress...... this postcard was part of the new Explore online course that I am taking part in and mentioned here. There are daily prompts as usual life is happening and I am not able to participate every day. But I am collecting ideas and materials so it will all unfold in its own time. I am quite excited by some of the ideas and yesterday's prompt suggested writing directly onto a photo. And if you like this idea or want to experiment Photojojo also shows ways of doing this.
I like the idea of receiving and sending postcards. So I have signed up toJulie Kirk's 'Going Postal'. This is involves another fascination of mine, Pinterest. I regularly add to my boards and if you have not signed up you need to be invited before you can create your own boards. I am happy to send you an invite so just pass on your email address to me. But be warned - it is addictive and even more hours will pass in front of the computer screen!
And I have also signed up for The Great Big Postcard Swap. In fact, I got so excited I have signed up twice, but that means double the fun! The idea is that you create a postcard using any medium, but must include a stitch or two. Then you post it to your assigned partner and receive your swap. I took part in last years swap and was inspired to join in again. So I need to start making my two postcards ready to post and to look forward to more mail dropping through my letter box.
My workspace this week is covered with a dustsheet and tins of paint. Yes! I am STILL painting and it feels like the 4th bridge. I wonder when it will end? The excitement has gone and is replaced by frustration and an aching body. Only the knowledge that this will have a good outcome keeps me motivated, and perhaps a paint party would have been a good idea! To see what other people have on their workspace go to Julia's site here. I will persevere and at least I am full of creative ideas ready to burst when I have the time and space. Meanwhile I did manage to quickly make my two grand daughters a Smash Book each to take on their holiday. I am just as excited to see what they put in them.
More about this another time, because the day calls.
Have fun what ever you are doing and I hope some lovely mail drops through your door too.