Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography. Every month since the start of this challenge Melanie has taken part in this monthly meme and as she doesn't have her own blog I post here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part, so over to you Melanie:
Once again in the city of Adelaide March Madness has arrived when there is heaps happening. The Fringe Festival, the Arts Festival and writers week to name a few. For the length of the Fringe there are eight areas which include several buildings which are illuminated with laser projections. The projections on a building change continuously over the course of several minutes. This colour transformation has happened for a few years now but this year it is known as ‘The Parade of Light’. I walked the length of the parade and have chosen for my 5 in 5 photos I took at the first building I came to which was the Adelaide Institute Building. This is part of the State Library now and over the course of its life has had many uses. It was built in 1860 and was the city’s first cultural centre. It is the oldest building on North Terrace where the Parade of Light was. The changing light projections on this building depicted the Aboriginal Kaurna family clan customs. The Kaurna are the original people of Adelaide and the Adelaide plains. Before 1836 this area was an open grassy plain with patches of trees and shrubs.
How wonderful to have so much going on close to home, I would love to be part of this March Madness! This has become an annual event here too, with Melanie sharing photos and what she has done. Thank you for this, it is always something I look forward to and every year is so different.
If this has inspired you to pick up your camera and join in please go to this months post for details about how to link in.
And to find out more about this monthly photo challenge, you can find out how it started here.
Thank you for popping by and I hope to see you back here soon.