.... or not so mighty in this case. The weathered appearance of this tree gives the impression that it has probably stood for many years despite its size.
It stands on the main road, next to a bus shelter. It was once part of the field boundary before hedges were pulled out. I wonder if it gave natural shelter before the wooden structure was built - and if trees could talk, what stories could it tell of those of who lived here or chatted while waiting for the bus.
Many of it's limbs have been ripped by mechanical cutters.
The trunk is covered in lichen and scars.

And yet it fights on.
There are buds, and while this tree might be no beauty I admire its strength and perseverance.
This tree lines the driveway to a large house that stands on a hill.
The tree is second from the left and I was unsure what kind of tree it is, but when I followed my first link I found that Karen had chosen a tree that looked remarkably similar (how uncanny!) So I'm pretty sure this is a beech. If you know better, please let me know.
It has nuts hanging from the bare branches and if the shells on the ground underneath are from the same tree they are larger than a horse chestnut.
The branches overhead make a nice silhouette.
... while nestled at the base is a small violet braving the winter weather.
The trunk has different kinds of bark.... smooth..... gnarled
and patterned and peeling in places.
On the same level, round the other side, it is more rugged. I will watch this ivy as it grows, and the patterns in the bark will act as a measure.
But I wonder if I will see the ivy make its way up the tree because it has been removed from other parts of the trunk and the
dried thread of the ivy's stem remains as a clue.
This is obviously a tree that is cared for.
POSTSCRIPT: Joy left a comment to suggest that the tree is a London Plane. This occurred to me initially but I was confused by the nuts and London Plane is not a tree I am familiar with locally. But after looking online I think I am safe to say that that yes, it is a London Plane..... unless you know different!