Life is good at the moment. I am on a creative free fall and spending most of my spare time collecting ideas and materials, meeting friends, doing Shimelle Laine's LSNED ecourse and generally having fun. While wonderful, it does mean my time is fully occupied, hence lack of blogs.
While my friend Jill was here the other day she stopped my bustling to look out the window. The gutter was full of rainwater and sparrows were queueing for their bath. Jill suggested it would make a good 365 photo. She is such a thoughtful friend as photography is not in the fore front of Jill's mind - unlike my own! So I did take breath and watch the birds. I took a lot of photos, it was difficult to catch the splashes as they were so fast, but I loved this interruption to my day and this photo taught me a lot. A good thing to add for my 'Learn Something New Each Day' page. This is just one of my projects in progress and this one is mostly in my mind at present, but it will develop and I'll share it soon.
Meanwhile I had 3 full-on creative days with friends this week. No wonder my head is buzzing with excitement and ideas. I'll share some of this as soon as I have time to stand still. I've nearly finished my 'Alice in Wonderland' mini album (see previous posting) and have started a new one with the impending Gypsy Camp in mind.
I just need to slow down and take time to see the little things too.