Wednesday, 22 April 2015


This is my 5th year of Project 365 and rather than have my photos sit on my computer I have decided to share them here weekly.

Welcome to week 14. 
Day 94:  My beautiful Singer...
Day 95: Easter Egg hunt... I think I had as much fun setting this up as the girls did finding the eggs!
Day 96: A fascinating exhibition about British soldiers who turned a wasteland into a garden while held as prisoners.

Day 97: We set up the slide projector and it is a huge success. So much that our granddaughters wanted to do it a second evening and they were experts at changing the slides.

Day 98: More home made entertainment.  Lots of getting messy with paper, paint and pizza making. Not all at the same time I hasten to add!
The girls came for a couple nights sleep over and ended up staying five days.  What fun we had - I can't wait until next time!

I'm late posting as my computer developed a problem and it has only just been fixed but I'll be catching up as soon as I can.  Meanwhile thanks for popping by and hope you had a good Easter too.

Friday, 17 April 2015


Hello!  I am struggling to  post at the moment as my main computer has developed a fault and while I have a lap top it is difficult to access the photos and to do the things I want.  I won't bore you with the irritating problems but a replacement part is in the post and I hope to be back on schedule soon.

Don't you just hate technology sometimes! 

I read a friends post yesterday where she spoke about having a love-hate relationship with her blog.  I could relate to this.  I decided in January that I did want to continue with my Project 365 but I am aware that photography has become a large focus in my posts and I have so much more I want to share.  I can't wait to have my computer back in use but meantime I am off next week to the Shetland Islands. I am on a book-making course with the amazing Rachel Hazell, and to say I am excited is an understatement!  I am expecting lack of signal and wifi so my frustration with technology will continue but I hope to catch up on my return.

Meantime my workspace is piled with paper and projects that I am working on and I have made a new journal to take with me which I am really excited about.  I hope you are busy enjoying what ever it is you love! 

Due to my technical struggles I have not always left comments on
blogs that I have visited but I have enjoyed your posts.  Thanks for visiting and I'd be interested to know if you sometimes have a love-hate relationship with your blog. Sometimes I wish I did not commit to posting photos weekly, but I know I will feel a sense of achievement at the end of the year. To use the phrase from Master Mind, I have started so I will continue!! 

Wednesday, 8 April 2015


A big thank you to Leandra at PaperArtsy for inviting me to take part in this round of 3UP! I was super excited to be part of this a long with team members, Miriam Grazier and Jane Castle. And a big
thank you also to Lucy Edmondson who was curator for my team.

Always up for a challenge, I chose the colour group: Purple (as I am not naturally drawn to this), Yellow and a touch of Blue.  The brief also asked me to include one topic covered on the PaperArtsy blog
this past semester and so my idea of making a pair of matching bird themed matchboxes fitted well. One would include a tiny nest with eggs and the other a miniature bird themed book. What's more, I had been saving a sheet of paper for that 'special project' and finally it seemed the time had come to use it!

So here are photos of my finished boxes.

I like the idea that eggs hold unknown potential and will hopefully develop into birds that fly.  This connects with the second box....


The quote I chose on the matchbox reminds me to
and the book inside reads: 
I really enjoyed making this project – the matchboxes have been waiting quietly as an idea for some weeks and it’s a good feeling when it comes together, even more so when I feel pleased with the result and it includes purple!!  
If you would like to see the works of others who have participated in this 3UP do pop across to PaperArtsy.  Thanks for popping by!!
(Topics covered within the brief: Shiny Things, Paint, Miniature Art and Deconstruction). 

Monday, 6 April 2015

5 in 5 - MELANIE - April 2015

 Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography. Every month Melanie has taken part in this monthly neme and we managed to find a way round her not having a blog by posting here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part so once again Melanie, over to you:
Another 5th of the month and being Easter I really hadn’t given a photo topic much thought until when taking my grandson for a walk along the Esplanade my eyes were drawn to the sky.  So as with my March photos my camera turned upwards.  The sky was actually amazing as I turned through 360˚ there was such a change in colour and clouds. Some areas saw blue sky while in others it was so black there must have been rain. So here are my five Easter Sunday shots.  The photos take you from sea to land, over roof tops and with tree framing.  Those rain clouds moved our way and during the night we have had the beautiful sound of rain on our metal roof.  Hopefully other parts of the state have also had rain as it has been a long dry summer running into autumn for much of the state.  A couple of weeks ago when visiting a winery down south we were told they had had no rain in nine months so my hope for them is that the rain clouds arrived there as well.
As always, a big thank you to Melanie for sending these photos. I love the different sky and it proves we only need to look around (or UP!) to appreciate what is already there.
So if this has inspired you to pick up your camera and take part in this challenge you have until 25th before this months link closes.
It's great fun and this post should answer any questions or give other information that you need.
Links for this months post are here and hopefully I'll be back with more photos from Melanie and myself next month. I hope you will join us and thanks for popping by!


Sunday, 5 April 2015

5 in 5 - April 2015 - HAPPY EASTER!

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of
each month I post 5 photos that I have
taken in 5 minutes. 

Today I have organised an Easter Egg Hunt for my grand daughters. I made egg shaped signs using MDF and these were perfect to pop around the garden. They won't be here until later and the legs of lamb are ready to go into the oven... meanwhile I am excited with anticipation. Yes, I'm still a child at heart!!

Sadly both my fairies have lost their wings, which is sad and I hope they can grow new ones. They tucked one of the wings under the eggs to show they really do live in my garden... 

Have a happy Easter how ever you celebrate and have fun!
If you would like to join in this monthly photo challenge please link in below so I can come and see your photos. Here's the plan:
  1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).

4.  Take as many photos you can until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below. 

   Please note: 

You can take  your photos any time, they do not have to be taken on 5th!
And you have until the 25th of the month to add your photos to the link.
There are more details here. 
Thank you for popping by, your company and comments are always appreciated.

1. Maggie  3. Eileen  5. Melanie  
2. joy  4. Helena  6. Miriam  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, 2 April 2015


This is my 5th year of Project 365 and rather than have my photos sit on my computer I have decided to share them here weekly.

Welcome to week 13. 
Day 85:  Last time I showed a beautiful lino print sent to me by a friend. I want to use this as the cover of a journal and my friend was happy for me to make a copy. I printed onto calico so that it will be more hard wearing, I'm looking forward to making the journal next.

Day 86: Spring would not be the same without making my annual visit to see the daffodils.

Day 87: I was bought this pot plant at Christmas, it has not stopped flowering.

Day 88: My beautiful typewriter.  It needs a spring clean!

Day 89: This clematis is a favourite as the scent is heavy and makes me want to just stand and breath it in. 
I was pleased to see this bee, we must do everything we can to attract and protect them.

Day 90: Journaling, writing... I love everything about it.

Day 91: Bedtime reading.  A bad shot because I forgot to take a photo earlier in the day! 

 Thanks for popping by.  How has your week been?  

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