Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography. Every month since the start of this challenge Melanie has taken part in this monthly meme and as she doesn't have her own blog I post here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part so over to you Melanie:
I ended up taking photos around the vicinity of our house. Here are my photos:-
Now here we are in July and over half way through the year. I hope in the Northern hemisphere you are enjoying some summer weather. Here in Adelaide it is definitely winter and many people including me are coughing and sneezing as those winter bugs circulate. In Adelaide overnight on July 4th there was heavy rain and gale force winds. Adelaide had its wettest July day in 75 years. It was even cold enough for a light dusting of snow on Mount Lofty. Mount Lofty is about 15km from the centre of Adelaide and the highest point in the Southern Mount Lofty ranges. I had been awake on and off during the night listening to wind and rain and when I awoke to the news of how wet it had been and saw TV photos I thought I would use puddles for my July 5 in 5. However I think that the strong winds meant in our area much of the water was washed away, running down the gutters to the sea. Next morning when the rain eased off I went for a walk and was disappointed that there was not more evidence of the rainfall especially when TV news coverage showed parts of Adelaide parklands under water. I guess I should have taken a trip into the city but I didn’t and so my few ‘puddle’ shots do not really emphasize that overnight rain. If you check out the following web page you can see a couple of good photos of the parklands wetness:-
It seems what ever part of the world we live in the rain has been more than usual this year. Thank you for joining in Melanie, and I like your abstract images this month.
If this has inspired you to pick up your camera and take part the next challenge starts on 5th July. It's great fun and you can see more posts here. And if you want to know more 5in5 this post should answer any questions and give other information that you need.
Hopefully Melanie will be back next month and I look forward to you joining us. Thank you for popping by, it is great to have your company.