Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography. Every month since the start Melanie has taken
part in this monthly meme and we managed to find a way round
her not having a blog by posting here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part! So, over to you Melanie:
Already the month of May and in the UK the saying goes ‘March winds, April Showers bring forth May flowers’. Over here in Adelaide it is Autumn but this year a new festival called ‘Living Colour’ has brought forth May flowers in the city. Not the beautiful spring flowers of the UK but a colourful selection of flowers which bloom at this time of year over here. I took the train into the city and walked the length of Rundle Mall. This is the main shopping mall in the city it had crates filled with flowers dotted throughout its length. Of the different sites the Stephens Place site seemed to have more crates and variety of flowers than others so I chose this site to do my five minutes of photos. In addition to the flowers mentioned as being at that site there were also several from others site. Of the many flowers I only recognised the Pansy and geranium but fortunately on the web site http://rundlemall.com/living-colour-festival/ there were details of the flowers at each site with photos so they could be recognised. In five minutes I took heaps of photos and it was difficult to select five but I have settled on the five below. Top row starting from the LHS Angelonia Archangle series purple, sunpatiens series white and Pansy Matrix Blotch. On the bottom row on the LHS Verbena Blue Series (red) and on the RHS Capsicum Medusa. Hope you enjoy these colourful flowers. If you check out the web site you will be able to see what the crates looked like.
display. These flowers look familiar and are so cheering. My own garden is sadly lacking in colour though I did plant lavender and gernaniums today in pots by the front door.
If this has inspired you to pick up your camera and take part in
this challenge you have until 25th before this months link closes.
questions and give other information that you need.
Hopefully Melanie will be back next month and I look forward to you joining us. Thank you for popping by, it is great to have your company!