Wednesday, 14 August 2013

SCAVENGER HUNT 2013 - photos 3

Continuing my Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt I am back to share some more photos.  These are part of a challenge organised by Rinda and here are some more I have ticked off my list.
An Airplane (No.4) taken at a local airfield. 

 Someone taking a nap  (No. 6)
7.  A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny.
My husband spotted this 'STRICTLY NO BALL GAMES'
sign on the side of a bowling green!  It made us both smile.
 A Cloud in the shape of something (No. 12). 
The cloud in the sunbeam kept changing shape, but here (to me) it looks like a witches head. She has a chin and a large nose, and I can see her eye, mouth and her hat. I can also see an angel with wings and at the top, a hint of halo.

 Back to earth, here's a Police car (No. 15) 


These photos were taken at 'Jimmy's Farm'
in the Butterfly House (No. 11)


            And this colourful fish was in a local aquarium:
 I liked the photo of the butterfly and the fish so I decided to include both!  And that's it for now.  I have just a few photos left to find and I am hopeful of completing the list as I have until 21st September. And if you are taking part in this challenge, how are you getting on? 
Do you have any favourite photos that you have taken? My one is still the piano on the beach
Have fun what ever you are getting up to this Summer, and if it is not summer where you are, have fun anyway!  

Here's the complete list for the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt:

1.   Open air market
2.   Theater for performing arts (not a movie theatre)
3.   City Hall, Capitol or other similar civic building
4.   Airplane
5.   A sunset
6.   Someone or something taking a nap
7.   A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny
8.   A tower
9.   A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong
10.  A bench that is outside
11.  An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc.
12.  A cloud in the shape of something (please specify what you see)
13.  A fence
14.  A stained glass object or a mosaic
15.  A fire truck or police car
16.  A windmill 
17.  Candle(s)
18.  Your local pub/bar, coffee house or tea shop
19.  A fisherman
20. A dinosaur
21.  A photograph of you with an artistic tool or craft supply (you cannot substitute for this item)
You can substitute up to two items, but you cannot substitute Item #21:
A person wearing an outfit (or item of clothing) that symbolizes your country
A sundial

Monday, 12 August 2013

SCAVENGER HUNT 2013 - photos 2

I am enjoying the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt organised by Rinda over at Gallo Organico.    I have shown some of the photos I have already taken here and today I have more to add from my list.  And rather than make this a photo heavy post I'll come back in a few days with others. So let's get started:

I think this first photo has to be my favourite for
the challenge to date! 
While on a creative retreat I learned that this grand piano was
part of a local art festival and I decided it had to be the perfect photo for 'something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong' (No. 9). 
The piano actually played although it was a bit out of tune!   
 And while there I also found this tower (No.8).  It was once a lighthouse and is now a radio museum.  There are wonderful views from the top. 

I was on a roll, because I also saw this fisherman (No. 19)

And this windmill (No. 16)

There is a short story attached to the above photos because at the retreat I did a teaching class.  A husband and wife both took part, each making their first mini book. When I said I was going to see the piano on the beach the man insisted on driving me as he knew the exact location. He said it was his way of saying thank you for the help I had given them during the class, and although I know the area and was happy to go alone afterwards I was pleased I accepted his kind offer.  Because after seeing the piano he wanted to show me a Lighthouse ship by the pier. And that was where I saw the fisherman and on our way, the 'tower'. Then while driving back I saw the sails of the windmill and he offered to do a small detour so that I could take a photo of that too.  He seemed pleased to show me some local sights and to be part of my scavenger hunt, and it was the perfect end to a wonderful day.
Back from my retreat I decided to visit another windmill near my home and I like the contrast between the two photos.

Next to the windmill is this fence (No. 13) with roses growing through it.

 And my last photo is of me at the retreat busy in action (No. 21).  

There was another strong contender for 'something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong' because driving along the motorway I passed a lorry that was carrying a steam train.  That would have been a magnificent shot and it is sometimes really frustrating to be driving and not able to grab my camera! I have missed a few golden moments but I have ticked many photos off the list and I'll be back soon to share some more. 
I hope you are enjoying this challenge too if you are taking part, and I am trying to visit as many posts as I can.  
1.   Open air market
2.   Theater for performing arts (not a movie theater)
3.   City Hall, Capitol or other similar civic building
4.   Airplane
5.   A sunset
6.   Someone or something taking a nap
7.   A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny
8.   A tower
9.   A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong
10.  A bench that is outside
11.  An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc.
12.  A cloud in the shape of something (please specify what you see)
13.  A fence
14.  A stained glass object or a mosaic
15.  A fire truck or police car
16.  A windmill 
17.  Candle(s)
18.  Your local pub/bar, coffee house or tea shop
19.  A fisherman
20. A dinosaur
21.  A photograph of you with an artistic tool or craft supply (you cannot substitute for this item)
Bonus/substitute items.  If you find any of the above items too difficult, feel free to substitute either (or both) of these items.  You can substitute up to two items, but you cannot substitute Item #21:
A person wearing an outfit (or item of clothing) that symbolizes your country
A sundial

Monday, 5 August 2013

5 in 5 - Melanie August

This post is written by my friend Melanie. She lives in Australia and doesn't have a blog.  I keep encouraging her and hopefully she will one day. Meanwhile she wanted to join the 5 in 5 challenge so I am posting her photos on her behalf.  I love that Melanie wants to take part!  Over to Melanie: 
It is 5th. August down here in the Southern hemisphere and very dark now as it is 7:45pm. It was also very dark when I walked home having got the bus back to Brighton after book group.  There was a really high tide and waves breaking on the rocks so once home I went out again to take my 5 in 5 at the end of the road.
Top left waves breaking on the rocks. A very high tide this afternoon and the waves made some splendid splashes the white of the water contrasting with the dark rocks of the riprap.
Top right steps down to the beach but where is the beach?  The sea was coming right over the steps so no walking on the beach this afternoon.  Not much sun either but when I took this just enough to give the hand rail a shadow.
Bottom left a flower where the rocks meet the path.  At first glance the coast here looks quite bleak but on the riprap along the shore line there is quite a lot of vegetation.  Much of this vegetation has been planted by volunteers.
Bottom middle ‘Life Support’.  This is the name of the sculpture at the end of my road.  The past few years we have had a sculpture exhibition in the local surf lifesaving club and our local council buys one sculpture and choses a spot for it.  Last year the spot was at the end of our road and residents have mixed feelings about the choice.  I am happy to see this sculpture at the end of the road.
Bottom right the sky through the branches of a Norfolk Island Pine tree.  This tree is not a true pine tree but a southern hemisphere conifer. The sky turned from blue in the first photo I took to the black seen through the branches of this tree.
Thank you for taking part Melanie.... how wonderful to have the beach at the end of the road where you live! 
Melanie also joined in last month.  If you missed her photos you can see them here.
And if you would like to join in too, details are here
Thank you for popping by!

5 in 5 - IN MY GARDEN August 2013

Welcome to my second 5 in 5 where on the 5th of each month I shall be posting 5 photos that I have taken in 5 minutes. 

 And here's my photos for August, taken in my garden.

A new herb tub.  Our other is overflowing with sage, rosemary and thyme. I wanted mint and coriander as I love using fresh herbs.  There are also chives in this tub and a different kind of thyme.
Just outside the kitchen, it is perfect.

Also outside the kitchen is my insect box. It has been a hive of activity this year and I can watch insects busy themselves from the window. This one seemed happy to pose for me.

At the bottom of the garden is a pond. This started out a small  pond with a couple of fish and lots of wildlife. Over the years the fish grew and Brian started to introduce Koi. So the pond grew, and grew, to accommodate them.  This year we inherited my father in law's Koi. So another pond has been added and soon some of the smaller fish will be moved in. The big Koi are friendly and feed from the hand. Some of them are gentle but one sucks the bread from your hand and I am not so confident feeding him/her. 
The wildlife do not live in the pond any more. Frogspawn is quickly eaten by the fish and I really miss the frogs and newts that used to live in our garden. So last weekend Brian dug a new pond for me, just for wildlife. It was quickly inhabited by frogs and I have bought some new grass to plant round the sides to soften and blend it into the garden.

I love this black grass.  The purple buds gradually lighten then pop open into small flowers. The contrast is lovely, and I am waiting to replant them around the new pond. I have other grass to go a long side. Some have striped leaves, and others tall fronds of beautiful seed heads that blow in the breeze. I will have to take another photo when it is done.
Meanwhile I also unpacked a hedgehog box that was bought for my birthday 2 years ago. It came with a bag of hay and some hedgehog food, so we sited it under lots of plants and we put hay in the box. The first night a half grown hedgehog appeared and has been coming every night. I have tried to take a photo but it is too dark, and when the light comes on the hedgehog makes a quick escape. It's surprising how fast they move! This is our first sighting this year so we are amazed and excited that a hedgehog has appeared so soon. 
And we are sure he/she has set up home in the box!

So that's five of the photos I took in 5 minutes. Actually, I took a lot more and I was torn by which ones to include. I may even write another post and include some of the others. But for now that’s me. 

And there is nothing I like more than an online community of friends who share and have fun together. So if you would like to join in here is the plan:

1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a mobile timer for 5 minutes.

4.  Take as many photos you can until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the linkytool.
    You have until the 25th of the month to add your photos. 

And if you would like more information about 5 in 5 please go here.

The Link tool is now closed but I want to add this one so please pop over and see Ruth's beautiful garden.


Thank you for popping by.

1. Melanie  2. Rinda  

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