Monday 20 June 2011


Today I am celebrating one year of blogging, or as Ruth called it - my BLOGIVERSARY
I was initially very unsure about setting up a blog, but I'm so glad that I did.  I've made lots of new friends, some who I occasionally meet face to face as well as in blogland.  And some are joining me in my first Blog Hop..... I feel so honoured and privileged.  THANK YOU - you know who you are!!

And here are some of the firsts I celebrated a long the way.  For this has all been a learning curve and I now see that my blog has become another way to create and develop.  I am linking back to posts in case you want the option of dipping in, so let's start:

1.  It felt like a risk when I organised a Poll and a Giveaway.  But it turned out really special when  winner, Natasha, used one of the tags I made in her artwork and posted it on her blog.  I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw it!

2.  I did an on line course and was encouraged to join the blogging world in order to share my creative work and to meet other people.  This is my first post.

3.  My first residential was an amazing experience and we created from dawn to midnight.  I'm going again in October.  I can't wait!  

4.  I made my first scrapbook page.  Handmade books and mini albums are my first love, but I  like scrapbook techniques and I LOVE some of the pages I have made during the year in taught classes at my monthly Eclectic Keepsake group. 

5.  I had a first meeting with Moira.  We met through 'Taking Flight' the online course that introduced me to blogging.  As as well as becoming a friend Moira also runs the residential workshop that I attend. 

6.  I posted my first video.   If you ever doubt yourself or your capability, just watch this. 

7. I took part in my first Blog Hop & won a giveaway!! I couldn't believe my luck and had such fun visiting new blogs.

8.  My first online swap, where I exchanged a handmade gift as part of Louise Gale's Creative Colour Challenge. 

9.   I took part in my first interview.  This was part of an online course where we were encouraged to think about different styles of writing and to interview our self!

10.  And finally, this is the first Blog Hop I have organised... so let's not waste any more time and let the fun begin!


Listed below are names of those taking part.   
Visit each blog in turn, and you will be directed to the next person on the list.  If you 'get lost' don't worry - just come back here and pick up the thread.   

As you visit each blog, look out for a letter
There are 12 to collect.  When you have them all, rearrange them to make one word.  Then come back here and leave the word in a comment. 
I am offering a GIVEAWAY as a thank you for taking part, and will randomly pick a name from the correct answers on Thursday 23rd. 

Of course you are welcome to leave a comment without collecting the letters.  I LOVE receiving comments, as these always brighten my day!  

This is the start, so have fun & I hope to see you back here at the end.  And don't forget, this is where you pick up the thread if you get lost or have joined part way.

Let's start hopping!!  

  Your first letter is : C  

1.   Sandie (you are here!) 
2.   Ann
3.   Louise
4.   Angela
5.   Laurie
6.   Karen
7.   Moira
8.   Deb
9.   Alexa
10. Den
11. Lynn
12. Ruth


  1. Happy blogiversary Sandi, you have packed some much into your first bloggy year x

  2. Good morning Sandie and congratulations on your Blogerversary. you have achieved so much in a year and like you, I love the online community and meeting so many wonderful women. Thanks for organising. I've never been on a blog hop before! Moira x

  3. Happy Blogerversary! I love Blog Hops so will be visiting all the faby blogs though may not have time this morning before I go to work!

  4. Happy Blogaversary! Here's to many more years blogging and making new friends.

  5. Happy Blogaversary Sandie, hope it all goes well. I cant get the anagram and I've got all the letters...its a toughie. I'll be on holiday for the next EK meet but will catch up with you at the next one.

  6. Happy Blogaversary Sandie!

  7. Congratualations, Sandie, and hope the day goes well! I'll be catching up with your links throughout the day. :) Happy Birthday!

  8. Congratulations, Sandie, and hope the day goes well! I'll be catching up with your links throughout the day. :) Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy happy Blog Anniversary Sandie! Here's to many more..

  10. Happy 1st Blogoversary! I enjoyed your hop. One of the posts is missing right now but guessing at what that letter might be I have itchifingers ;) I am typing in invisible font so no one else it working?! lol

  11. Happy Blogiversary and here's to many more x x ♥

  12. OOH HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED YOUR FABBY BLOG HOP AND WORKED OUT THE WORD...'ITCHIFINGERS'! Oops sorry for caps got very excited, thanks for the blog hop as I discovered some new blogs that look great!

  13. YAY so much fun to play Sandie and congratulations!


  14. Happy Blogiversary ... mine is coming up ... might have to pinch this idea if I may?!
