Thursday 23 June 2011


Can grief be good?  I know it is a processing and experiencing of feelings.  And I guess you can do that in a positive way by going through the stages by embracing it, and recognising it for what it is.  Or you can deny yourself this because it is too painful, uncomfortable, or because for whatever reason, you just can't.

This week someone I know died before her life had really begun.  I worked with her for nearly 3 years and although I lived in the knowledge that her life could end and tried to prepare myself for this, nothing can take away the shock.  And I am trying to work with this in a positive way.  Work is not the place to be while I process what has happened, and and it is important that I recognise my own needs otherwise my work with other people may be affected.  And so I am at home, doing what I know helps.  Being creative, because this is what touches me most.  Not scrapbooking or album making.  But art journalling and writing.  Get in touch with my thought processes and feelings, and allowing them to be expressed in a healthy way.  And I also know that isolating myself is not helpful, so I have had contact with friends and other people who can help me with this.  And sometimes, more often than not infact, it is mutual support.  A sharing of memories, ideas of how to put things into perspective and to move forward.  I am going to the funeral and I will also be involved in a celebration of her life with other people who knew and worked with her.  Ceremonies and rituals are important.  Our ancestors knew this much better than we do.

In 10 things on 10th I said I would start an art journal.  And this seemed the perfect time to do so.  I don't know why I didn't do this years ago actually.  I love expressing myself through art, or working with others to do this.  A journal is the perfect place to keep pages together.  Up until now I have always worked bigger, A1 or A2, but there is no reason why I can't keep doing this too when the mood or need takes.  And now I recognise that the beauty of an art journal is that you can take it with you.  Use it in the moment or when opportunity strikes.

So here are the first pages.  Some speak for themselves, others are work in progress.

I have also started to make some backgrounds.  This one is a favourite photo of mine that I altered using  impressionist style at befunky.   If you have not checked out this site already it is worth a look.  I like to alter my photos sometimes for creative work, and think I will be doing this more regularly with an art journal to fill.

And this one was hand printed using the base of a bunch of celery.  They look like flowers, I love the effect:

And finally, for those who have visited from Julia's, here is a picture of my desktop.  Not my usual style, but now you know why.

You will also know why I have not visited so many blogs or left comments this week.  I will be back in action soon. 

For the moment I just need time to be quiet and to gather my thoughts. 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss and heartache, please know others are thinking about you.

    It seems strange to speak about how amazing your art is, but you've done an amazing tribute to your friend.

  2. Your art work looks beautiful Sandie.

    I'm sorry to read about the loss of your friend and I completely agree with you about the importance of rituals in the grieving process

  3. I so feel for you Sandie when you are working with such vulnerable people as you and forming such strong bonds. I love your artwork; such a lovely tribute to her. Why not add a pocket on the back and write a long letter to her...just for you....and allow yourself to spill out your feelings to her saying everything you feel the need to say and perhaps couln't have said when she was alive. M xx

  4. I am sorry to hear about your loss. Things like that are always hard to get some perspective on. It does not matter how much you know it is coming, the death of someone is always a shock to you. I hope the funeral will give you chance to express your sorrow and look at the positives in the life of the one who has gone before. My belief is that funerals should reflect the person who has died, but they are more important for those who are left behind, giving us a chance to show grief and share our thoughts openly. I will be thinking of you.

  5. A lovely idea Moira and great minds think alike. I did write a letter and pasted it to a page, painted over over it and just left poignant words revealled. This page is work in progress.
    Because of the type of work I did we were both very honest and open within our relationship. When she left we each wrote a letter to each other to say goodbye, and express what the relationship meant to us personally. It was very intense therapeutic work, so you could not fail to form a strong bond and attachment. It was helpful to write a letter today though, in the present. And I will carry on with the page another time. I need to stand back and think about where I go next with it.
    I have also pasted other things under my work, before concealing them. I know they are there and they add meaning. I am loving art journalling. Can't think why I didn't start a long, long time ago. Still, it's never to late and I have lots of catching up to do!

  6. I am sending you comforting thoughts Sandie and hope you can feel you are getting to the place where you want to be. Love your art work.xxxxxxx

  7. Sorry to hear about your friend. My spring was like that with health issues, friends and family passing, and my crafting was the only thing that got me through it. I love all your pages that you have created that that celery stalk rose is awesome! Looking forward to seeing more of your journaling! Vickie #107

  8. Thinking of you, Sandie, and sad to read of the loss of a deep and open relationship ... You are clearly doing what you need to do, and thank-you for sharing it with us. I love that Yeats poem, too. :) And I must go and try those celery rosettes!

  9. Hell Sandie, your artwork is lovely and a wonderful tribute to the one you have lost. It will take some time to come to terms with your loss and there is no way of speeding this up, just ways of getting through, and your art journal seems one of the best. Love your altered photograph and I would never have thought of celery as anything other than something to eat - I'll never look at vegetables in quite the same way again. Elizabeth x #74

  10. Hello Sandie, just wanted to point out that I did not intend to address you as Hell Sandie (see my first comment) ... a senior moment, methinks :( Elizabeth x

  11. so sorry to hear about your loss. it is especially difficult when, as you say, she "died before her life had really begun." glad to know your art is helping you heal.

  12. Sending you a comforting hug and hope to share in some of your art journal pages when you're ready to reveal them - I've just started one myself, and although I've only done the one page so far, love it!

  13. What a wonderful way to deal with your emotions! Your work is beautiful and I am glad we found eachothers blogs!!!
