Thursday 9 June 2011

Looking back with a smile....

A year ago I enrolled on my first e-course 'Flying Lessons'.  And this led me to starting my blog.  Something I never even considered before. 

And as my first year of blogging approaches I am thoughtful about the changes this has made to my life and the people I have met a long the way.  But I am not here to get philosophical - just to share with you one person who made an initial impression.  Makiko is a very talented artist specializing in pottery, but one thing that I always remember with a big smile is her amazing 'Blue Box and Books' which she made and shared on a video.  I've yet to make a video but this is one that I admire and aspire to.  Hope you like it too.

My blog wouldn't feel complete without sharing a photo, so here is one that I took the other evening when driving home.  Sun rise and sun sets are another thing that make me smile.  What makes you smile?


  1. Wow, what a stunning photo! Where was it taken?

    When strangers say hello to me in the street that makes me smile and waking up next to my OH each morning. :)

    SFD x

  2. Fantastic photo- hope to see you at E K on Saturday x

  3. My brother is coming home from the U.S. at the weekend - that's making us all smile a lot at the minute
