Saturday 4 June 2011


Five things you know won't be around in five year's time, Sian said. Actually it was Amy who said it first, and I grabbed my camera.  Because I have lots of things that I hope will be long gone by then.

Take this sofa. It is lovely & comfy, the perfect place to snuggle up with a glass of wine & a good book or film. But the arms are worn and cost of recovering it is almost the same as replacement. So out it will go.

And this Laura Ashley vintage dress. Alas, it is too small for me now and it has hung in my wardrobe far too long. It is earmarked for Ebay, along with a leather reclining armchair and a heap of once read books.

Not so much a 'thing' this time but a whole room restoration. It's work in progress and I want this block work and the mess gone. We are changing everything around in the utility room, so it has caused immense upheaval and lots of plumbing work......


..... and the kitchen units being removed to access drains. So the units are currently in the living room and their contents are piled on work surfaces and in boxes on the floor.

And finally my shelves of stash. These have currently taken over the dining room-turned craft room. But it doesn't work. There are too many fixtures such as the fireplace and bookshelves that line an entire wall.  The room just does not feel right as a creative space, and so they need to go.  Not literally. Just to a new place where I can finally feel settled. I have tried the spare bedroom, that didn't work either.  And so I am on the move again.  And I am definately not waiting 5 years for it to happen!

                      I wonder what five things you would like to see changed or gone by 5 years?


  1. Somebody on Ebay will snap up that "vintage" Laura Ashley, I'm sure! You are right abot sofas being cheaper to buy than recover, it's a bit of a shame isn't it? I hope you find one equally as comfortable!

  2. My goodness....five years seems such a LONG TIME! Where will I be? what will I be doing? What do I want to change? SO MUCH RUBBISH but time will need to stand still long enough for me to do something about it.
    Well first my body...i'd like to knock it into shape...
    I shall have to give the other things some thought. Hope the dress makes plenty of money! M x

  3. Hum, five years? Five months maybe! I'd like to see the bedroom extension finally completed - there is still painting and the odd little job to do (two years on!). I would like to paint the hall, stairway and landing in a nice buttermilk colour, as we lost the window at the top of the stairs, to make the access to the new room and it is now quite dark up there. I would like to get rid of the clutter from the garage, house and probably the loft too. I think those are enough to be going on with!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I love my new wardrobe/cupboard. It's so big and spacious! I would like more of those boxes that you have for your stash storage - they really are "Really Useful"!

  4. I so relate to the state your utility room. Love this post Sandi
