Friday 10 June 2011

10 things on the 10th

I posted here about things I want to change within the next 5 years.  That is a very generous time frame because realistically I want it to be more like 5 months.  But who’s counting?!

Then Shimelle suggested posting 10 things on the 10th of the month and I got thinking. ....  life has felt very chaotic and busy lately.  Things have been neglected because of the on-going building work and spending time with my Mum following her operation.   I have now started my new job and slowly, slowly, I am gathering my breath and trying to catch up.  And so, I am going to set myself 10 goals this 10th day of the month.

I am giving myself to the 10th of next month to complete this, that's 4 weeks.  So let’s start:

1.     Sort out my photos.   Since December these have been simply downloaded off the camera onto the computer.   Usually I sort each download into various albums and have a system that works for me.  I take lots of photos on a daily basis so this will be a huge task.  And best not left any longer!
 2.     Project 365.  Yes – I am still doing this even though my Flickr album only contains 30 photos this year.  This means I need to download a photo a day from February to now.  I once got behind with this before and made a mental not NEVER to do that again as it was so frustrating and difficult to catch up.  Some lessons need repeating!

3.    Start an art journal.  This is more pleasure than pain.  Something I keep saying I want to do, and now I have set myself a target.

4.    Finish knitting a bolero for my newest granddaughter.  I keep starting projects and not finishing them, and you know how fast babies grow.  Wren will outgrow it before I finish if I don’t get it done!

5.    Complete my Journal Your Christmas album.  Yes – you read right!  I know I have said this before and again I will be taking it to my monthly group.  But this time I plan not to be distracted.  The trouble is I see other exciting ideas and put the JYC album aside.  Not this time, because I really do want to finish it before I start another album.  And I have others earmarked so I have motivation.

6.    Start using my Wii machine again.  I did use this regularly for a while and enjoyed the fitness games and exercises.  I need to increase my physical activity and this suits my lifestyle right now.  In the future I hope to be able to get out more.   I love walking and gardening but for now things indoors are more pressing.

7.    Plan something for my blog birthday on 20th June.  I’m still thinking what I might do.  Watch this space!

8.    Plan a holiday or short break away.  A change of scenery would be very welcome.

 9.    Organise my work space.  You know how things accumulate and increase in piles?  At least it saves the need to dust.....

10.    Add a texture to a photo.  One of my plans this year was to experiment with Photoshop Elements and become more familiar and confident with using it.  Not so!  I have used textures before by layering and I even started taking photos specially to use as textures & effects.  Remember I said I download my photos into albums?  ‘Textures’ is one of them  and this is a photo I previously experimented with. I am setting this as my final challenge and hope I can remember how to do this.
Incidentally, if you don't have Photoshop, 'Picnik' offer a range of special effects, lots of them free and fun to play with.

I am looking forward to coming back on 10th of next month to celebrate my achievements, and I really hope I can do all these things.  Especially organising the photos.  I wonder what 10 things you would choose?


  1. Love your list that you are hoping to play with Photoshop Elements - I've got some good stuff over at about PSE :)

    Beautiful blog!

  2. Wow that's quite a large goal you've got. I hope you're able to do all of them. Nothing like this monthly series to get you motivated tho!

  3. Those are great goals! I did something similar and can relate to your #1 & 10... I like that you included photos with your goals :)

  4. These are wonderful goals & it sounds like you will have a fun month with all these projects. I'd never used textures until recently when I took a free class from Kim Klassen - wow, so much fun. I posted about it here: I look forward to reading about your accomplishments next month.

  5. I would love to learn Photoshop better and also start an art journal! Love your 10 things picks! Good luck this month! :)

  6. Hi Sandie! :) Those are some awesome goals for the next 4 weeks. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to get them all done.:) Anyways, I just put my latest painting on the blog and it includes one of your tags that I won in your giveaway. I thought you might want to check it out.:)

  7. Good luck with this list. If you achieve even half of it, you'll feel really good

  8. My God, woman are you mad ??!! All this in a month? If you suceed please let me have some of what you're on . I cant seem to get anything done at the moment. But don't let me put you go girl, good luck ! If it helps I'll stand over you on Saturday with a big stick until you finish you Xmas project ! See you then.

  9. Good luck with your list, I think mine would look something very similar lol I love that last photo.

  10. Awesome list of goals! Visiting from Shimelle today and thought I'd say hi and good luck with your goals. Saw your location as Essex as well which made me smile as I'm originally from Essex :-)

  11. Good to have lists and even better to have a tick next to something on that list!

  12. an interesting July in store for you, good way to use the lsit of 10

  13. ooh what a gr8 idea and you have set goals which are the way i still havent finished my JYC 2010 yet either heehee
    jo xxx

  14. The first step to success is a plan, and it sounds like you have a good one. It also seems like you have a good mix of hard work and pleasure activities on your list so when you tire of one you can move on to another one for a bit. Good luck!

  15. Great idea for your 10 things post - good luck meeting your goals!

  16. Oh I am very tired from all you will do lol Good luck with all of it. My 10 Things list is the 10 states in the US I still need/want to visit.

  17. Great idea to choose goals; I can certainly relate to quite a few of these (2 years of JYC to complete!). Best of luck! scrappysue

  18. Great list!! Looking forward to seeing your successes in a month! I've got my random list at my blog.

  19. If you want to use Photoshop Elements more and combine it with art journaling, come join us on the Art Journal Caravan at Studio Tangie!!! Go here ( ), then click on the Tab that says Art Journal Caravan for all the info!

    Great goals!!! Good luck!!! xoxo

  20. Good luck withyour goals! Looks like you are going to be busy.

  21. good luck with all your goals for this moth I look forward to hearing all about it on July 10th

  22. Great goals. I've kind of steered away from using textures. Not quite sure why except that it would be something else and I'm still floundering my way around doing the basic things in Photoshop.

    Happy early blog birthday.

  23. Organizing photos is something I need to do. The computer has put them in year order and month order, but I have no tiles on anything. Yes, I know...crazy!

  24. Great post - I am always too scared to put down what I intend to do but I think I need to and organise myself :0)

  25. Great list! BTW, I love Picnik, so much easier than Photoshop! :)

  26. Very cool post of to do's! Don't feel Christmas album I taught as a class is still EMPTY--no photos! On my list for the summer!

  27. Loved your list of to-do's. I desparately need to organize all my photos as well. I'd love to know the system you use to do that. Maybe it would work for me!
    (signed in with google account only because I didn't have a choice of using name and url.

  28. Oh what an inspirational list - I am always too scared to comint like this! I wish you loads of success - and I think I might need to do some sorting of photos too! J x

  29. Gr8 list! I wish I'd finished my JYC, I got as far as Christmas Eve! There's always this year! lol
