Wednesday 29 June 2011

TEN minus FIVE

....  is five.  Five more things to complete on my list of 10 things on the 10th that is.  And my workspace today is still looking a crazy mess, but that's how I like it best.  Because I can dip in and out as time allows.  I have been busy finishing the last pages of my Journal Yours Christmas album and because I am enjoying it so much I decided to finish it on 6th January which is the 12th night. 

This page is a collage done on Picasa using some of my favourite photos taken during 2010.  Favourites because they trigger happy memories or special moments that I want to recapture time and time again.
That I wrote about here, here, and here.

I wouldn't usually do a college on a page, but this was an idea suggested by Shimelle as part of this course, and  it fitted perfectly with that I wanted to achieve.

I wouldn't normally print images off Google for my pages either.  But I wanted to create a page about Pantomine, and did not have any photos I could use.

The Cinderella poster opens and inside I will use the space to journal.

There are just a few pages to go and some more journalling to add.  Then I need to find a way of binding this very fat album together!

Happy Wednesday and enjoy what ever you are doing.
Oh, and by the way, if you want to see what other people have on their workspace go over to Julie's here.


  1. I love your pages. Your desk looks very creative.

    Laura #61 x x

  2. Favourite photos - what a great page to look back on time and time again. And I like the Cinderella poster - neat way to add a journalling element. Hugs, Neet #12

  3. Oh it looks super creative. I love searching google images, but have never printed any off, thanks for the push

  4. Love the collage & your desks looks like it should, a crafty work in progress :)

  5. I love that Cinderella poster!

    Drop over to mine when you can Sandie - you are the winner of Painted Pages this month! So if you let me have your address I can get it in the post

  6. Love all the goodies on your desk. :) Happy WOYWW!

  7. Great post and lovely photos. I'm working with something similar at the moment for this might like it...Hope you might call by Friday for the first My Mojo Monthly. Thanks for sharing today.
    Sarah at 6.

  8. So many lovely things on your desk!
    Happy WOYWW

  9. Love your creative desk and the journal and panto page are just fab!Lovely memories
    Have creative week hugs judex88

  10. Very nice desk! Love all the fun things. I am going to have to check out google for pics. Vickie #39

  11. Thanks you so much for the lovely comments yesterday, it meant a lot to this first time blogger! I like all your projects, but particularly the smiley union jack man in the photo collage - happy!! It is good to know that a fellow fabric nut likes what I do, helps to know you're not barking up the wrong tree!! xx

  12. Fab idea about printing piccies off Google for ideas! Nice creative desk too! I am another that uses Picasa! I did have Photoshop but it was too much hard work to try and figure out and what the 'eck are layers?!!! Maybe one day I will have enough time to sit down.....

  13. Thank you so much for visiting My Mojo Monthly and your encouraging words. Hope the fingers are itching and I'm looking forward to seeing what you will share!

  14. Lovely work - I like how we get stretched into doing things out of our comfort zone sometimes, don't you?

  15. I love that page ... and thank-you for the idea about using Google for 'missing' images!
