Wednesday 3 May 2017

Knit and Natter - Twiddle Muffs and collaborative projects

I never set out for this to be a regular post and since my last one was over a year ago, that proves the point! However, once I started a blog theme of 'Knit and Natter' I got into a flow. I have a number of half written posts and as many ideas that never quite got here, yetAnd they can wait their turn because today I am buzzing with excitement and I thought I would finally catch up....

One of the reasons for lack of posts is that I have been busy doing other things, such as setting up a Knit and Natter group in the village with a friend. We started by meeting monthly and was soon asked to increase to two meetings a month. Some people knit or crochet while others do tapestry and stitching. It's a small friendly group that is growing in enthusiasm and ideas, and last year a few of us came together to knit 'Twiddle Muffs'.  Also known as Fiddle Mitts, these are helpful in reducing agitation in people who have dementia, by stimulating activity and providing occupation for fidgety hands.

So far I have taken 30 Twiddle Muffs to 'Age Concern' where they were enthusiastically and gratefully received. We continue to knit more for this is a worthy cause as they are also needed by hospitals and care homes. It is a fun way to use up oddments of wool and other bits that we collect and we can let creativity flow! 

At todays meeting I suggested another collaborative project: something bigger and more involved this time. It was inspired by a wall hanging that I saw at the recent Stitching, Sewing and HobbyCraft Show at Excel.

Designer, Lisa Hellier, created this amazing hanging with a team of willing helpers. Each piece is individually made and sewn on.  
This eclectic style will suit our own Knit and Natter group as we 
have a wide range of skills between us including: weaving, spinning, felting, patchwork, quilting, knitting, crochet, embroidery, sewing and more.

First though comes the research and gathering of ideas. I suggested a hanging for the village hall and already a list started to form: buildings that no longer stand, such as the windmill, the village shop and brickworks, and the original school whose bell still provides a clue next to the chimney of what is now a house. There will be lots more knit and nattering over the coming months, so I'll let you know how this project develops. If you get a chance to see Lisa Hellier's hanging while it is on tour, do take time to look at all the detail. It is amazing!

Meanwhile, as if by telepathy, a blog friend, Sian, left a comment on my previous post and told me about a lady who combines her love of knitting and sound. Intrigued, I checked this out and was excited to discover that the artist in question, Felicity Ford has written a pattern book. She was inspired by buildings and objects found in her locality and this added even more to my ideas for a collaborative wall art. Isn't it wonderful when everything comes together!!  

Thanks for popping by!   


  1. I love the Fiddle Muffs, we have them at the MS Therapy Centre too. Also I love the wallhanging, I've seen several of them, most especially there is one in Salisbury Hospital, which I've tried to photograph but because it's behind a pane of glass doesn't come out too well.

  2. I'm so happy I was able to point you in her direction.

    I love our knitting group which meets once a fortnight, but only in the winter! It has finished until September: I'm the only one who knits all year round.
