Friday 5 May 2017

5 in 5 - May 2017 - The Lighthouse Ship

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of
each month I post 5 photos that I have
taken in 5 minutes.

Trinity Afloat is a lighthouse ship and stands permanently anchored on the Essex marshes.  Since her retirement she has been used as an outdoor pursuits centre where residential and day courses are organised. You can learn photography, to sail, paint, and go bird watching, and her magnificent red hull is a prominent landmark.

As well as going on organised courses you can also hire Trinity and arrange your own group activity. I have done this several times as I used to run a women’s writing group and organised residential weekends. This is a magical place to find inspiration and visit, and
I have always wanted to take my granddaughters on board. Last weekend I got my chance, as they had an open day. I'm not sure who was more excited!  
It is a long walk along a sea wall, to reach Trinity, and as we got near the huge bow reached up before us. We agreed it looked like a face, and that the cables running services on board look like she is eating spaghetti !

Once on board we were welcomed with cake and drinks, then given a tour of the ship.  The most exciting part was climbing to the top of the lighthouse.  This is where I took my 5 photos in 5 minutes:

The huge counterbalance keeps the light at the top of the ship stable. In her working days, Trinity Afloat would have been at sea acting as a floating lighthouse and warning ships of danger. I bet she has some stories to tell, of raging waters and violent storms! 
Now a days she quietly sits in the back waters, and continues to provide a haven.

Once at the top the 360 degree view is spectacular and well worth the climb.  My granddaughters are foot-sure and adventurous, and took it all in their stride.

These mudflats are a familiar sight, here in Essex. I love their contours and meanderings, and the shapes left behind in the mud by wading birds and anchor chains.
Man has tried to tame this coast but the sea always wins. On the horizon the sea wall was deliberately breached in 2002 in an attempt to both farm commercially and protect wildlife. It has been a great success and it's heart warming to know that this can work in harmony.  

The lighthouse is no longer operational but the workings are maintained. I like this photo for it's distorted reflection and topsy turvy  image.

The girls are interested in having a days sailing, so we might be back. I hope so.

But for now, if you fancy picking up your camera to join in with 5in5 it would be lovely to have your company!   

Here's what you do and there are more details here

1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).

4.  Take as many photos you can (or wish to) until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.

                              You have until the 25th of the month to add your photos.

Please add your link below if you would like to take part. I am often excited and inspired by the ideas and photos of others so thank you to Melanie, Paula, Mary-Lou, Melissa, Karen, Maggie, and Borqna for joining in last month. I'll be back next month with another 5 in 5. Enjoy the weeks in between and happy photo taking! 


  1. What a wonderful place to visit and indeed stay. It is part of the country that I don't know at all so it is interesting to see the landscape too. I bet your grandchildren enjoyed their day out,

  2. Meant to say as well that I like the spaghetti photo, the vertigo look down the steps and the distorted reflection.
    I can't see a link to add mine. I'll pop back and look a bit later but here is my effort.

    1. Oops! an oversight on my part Maggie. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I have now added the link.

  3. Brings back happy memories Sandie!

  4. What a lovely jaunt out & it was quite educational. Those mudflats are in an amazing pattern designed by nature - she's a cool crafter for sure.

  5. What a wonderful post!!! I love the way this ship is being utilized in retirement, and know I would enjoy taking a course there. Love the "spaghetti" photo; not sure I would have seen it quite that way.

  6. Smiles here at the spaghetti photo! And admiration for you and your young charges in clambering over the shop to see her from all angles. Great to see a landscape so different to my own too.
