Wednesday 5 October 2016

5 in 5 - October 2016 - Red

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of
each month I post 5 photos that I have
taken in 5 minutes.

This month I decided to take my camera into the garden.  It is still warm and sunny with just a hint that summer has come to an end.  But that's not always a bad thing because the acer is looking stunning in her autumn colour.

And as I looked around I saw a theme, because the Chilli's have turned a glorious red too and we have picked some to use in cooking. 

Meanwhile the tomatoes have mostly been picked and eaten.  They have done well, but there have been no gluts this year, just a steady harvest.

This geranium stood outdoors last winter and looked a picture of health until it died back one night with frost damage. I was sad to think we might loose it, but after a slightly late start it came to life and has bloomed all summer. It still has buds and promise of more flowers to come.

 And finally our fish. Some of these are quite red in colour too. It's a colour that adds a bit of cheer to the garden as the days grow slightly cooler and the nights start to draw in.  Hopefully we can enjoy it for a bit longer, and this year I think I will bring the geranium inside for protection. 

It is always fun to have company in this photo challenge so a big thank you to Mary-Lou, Maggie, Melanie, Miriam, Karen, Eileen , Paula and Borqna for taking part last month. And to all those who visited and left comments.

And YOU would be very welcome to join in too, so I hope you are inspired to get out your camera. Here is the plan:

1.  Choose a location.

2.  Have your camera ready.

3.  Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).

4.  Take as many photos you can until the time is up.

5.  Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.

                              You have until the 25th of the month to add your photos.

There are more details here.


  1. I like the idea of 5 in 5 colour theme. I will be doing mine later in the day. At this time of year vibrant colours are everywhere - maybe I will push myself past the normal reds, of which I like so much. See you later ...

  2. What a lovely selection - from leaves to flowers to fish ... We'd never get chillies to grow up here in a million years, so I am envying you your lovely climate!

  3. I do like all those reds. Our tomatoes have benn hopeless this year. Certainly no glut! The chillies look great too.

  4. I love color collections, and what I love most of all about this one is the diversity of the subjects! Thanks, as always, for hosting this meme.

  5. I'm surprising myself here by thinking how much I like the chilli picture. Usually it's autumn leaves for me every time.

  6. It's the fish for me! and as the others have said, the diversity. A really lovely and inspirational five.
