Sunday 9 October 2016

5 in 5 - MELANIE - October 2016

Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography.  Every month since the start of this challenge Melanie has taken part in this monthly meme and as she doesn't have her own blog I post here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part, so over to you Melanie:

This month the 5th has fallen within the school holidays. In South Australia the schools have four terms of around 10 weeks each and the school year starts in January. Term 3 finished a week ago and there is a two week break between term 3 and term 4.   Our daughter who lives nearby is a teacher and I took advantage of her having a break from school to go on a short road trip with her.  We traveled 700 km west of where I live to the Eyre Penninsular which is an area of South Australia.  The main occupation in the Eyre Penninsular is agriculture and we were going to experience this first hand as we were visiting a friend of my daughters’ who lives on a farm.  The farm grows oats and wheat plus they have Hereford cows.  The oats are used as feed and the wheat is sold.  At the time we were visiting the oats had been cut and the baler was in use.  I had not seen a baler before and it was fasinating to see it travel down the line of cut oats and then produce a bale.  The baler that the farm uses can make 30 bales an hour.  The oats were cut a couple of weeks ago and left to dry out.  However last week there was torrential rain and so fresh oat shoots as seen in the photo top right hand side have sprouted.  Despite the rain the bales when checked for mosiure recorded zero.  That could be because the temperatures this week have been in the high twenties and low thires.  I think the photos speak for themselves and hope you enjoy looking at them.

It was interesting to hear about the school holidays in Australia, and it sounds like this was a great visit to a farm. I find it interesting that despite our difference in seasons, our own harvest finished recently. Thank you for sharing these Melanie, and as always, for taking part! 


If this has inspired you to pick up your camera and join in this post will answer questions and give the information that you need. And if you want to see other 5 in 5 photos for this month just go to the original post.

Hopefully Melanie will be back next month and I look forward to you joining us. Thank you for popping by, it is great to have your company.

1 comment:

  1. How fascinating, Melanie! These are very atmospheric ... When I was little, the hay was brought in by hand.
