Saturday 17 October 2015


Should I download Windows 10?   

I have asked this question and had mixed feedback.

My son loves it and has been telling me to download since launch day.  However I know people who have had problems with compatibility and so I have been wary.

For the past week I have had problems with my main computer. Luckily it isn't anything my son can't fix. And while he was working on it the subject of Windows 10 came up again. It keeps popping up on my screen as an invitation. 

And so I decided to take a gamble.  To install it on to my lap top first, and if I am happy I will also download it onto my main computer. 

As I write the software is downloading.

I will let you know how I get on. 


  1. I think if I tried to download it onto my PC it would explode. It is so overloaded and I keep expecting it to give up. I have backed up everything just in case. I shall be interested to see how you get on . I guess I should consider it for the girls laptops.

    1. I bought two external hard drives so that I can back up and remove some things off my PC, as it is running so slow now. Like yours Maggie, it is so overloaded!
      I will feedback once I have played around a bit. My son has spent time this morning checking that software on my PC is compatible with Windows 10 and it seems to be. So I might bite the bullet and download it on both computers. Scary!!

  2. I'm a Mac girl myself (and we have our own issues with downloads and upgrades!); but my DH has downloaded Windows 10 onto his machine and it has been fine. Wishing you an easy experience with it :).

  3. I'd be very interested to hear how you get on. I too have been resisting the download. Apparently it's easy to revert if necessary but it seems pointless meddling without knowing what the changes/benefits are.
    I'd love to know if they have reinstated the facility to slide pictures around inside a folder and order them at will. Sooo cross when Windows 7 took that away and as a result I have hundreds of unedited photos lying around!

    1. My son is still here, so once he has finished working on his camper I will ask him to try this out with me. It would be useful for me too, so my fingers are crossed!

  4. I keep declining my invitation. I know I'll have to face the change when I eventually give in and buy a new laptop to replace this ancient one. But I'm sticking with what I know for now

  5. Like you, I heard mixed reactions so am stepping away from the 'download now' button! I think I'll wait a while. I don't have a techno savvy son around but there is a very helpful computer fixer in the next street who rescues us when the computer gremlins bite so next time I see him I may ask him his opinion as he knows our computer inside out - literally!
