Sunday 18 October 2015


Today I have been making a sample book for a Steampunk Event where I will be running workshops.  They are only short sessions of one hour each so I had to think about what is possible. What is realistic!

And this is what I came up with:

It means I have to prepare the embossed detail in advance but I hope those attending will enjoy adding the rust effect and their own images.  There will be a simple sewing of pages, and a book to take home.   And I will also have a small display of other books that I make. 
My friend Paula will be making some stunning Steampunk Brooches (I definitely want to sign up for this workshop!) and here she is dressed for the occasion: 
Paula asked if I will be dressing up on the day. I haven't thought that far ahead! But if you live near enough, come and find out!
We'd love to see you. 
And I hope you sign up for my book making workshop! 
You can find more details about the event here.


  1. Yes! You should definitely dress up! I'd be there in a flash (and I'd probably be dressed up, because I never can resist the opportunity) if I lived closer

    1. What a shame you don't live nearer Sian. What fun it would be to go together!
