Friday 11 September 2015

TREE FOLLOWING - September 2015

It's time to share this months photos. First,


looking up you can see blue sky and green leaves. 

But look down and there are first signs of autumn....  just one or two brown leaves have fallen and the husk from a shell.  This must be from last year as this years are green and still growing.

Also at the bottom are violets.  After a long rest and little change these plants suddenly show sign of growth and freshness.  As much as I am sad to see the season passing the thought of these beautiful purple flowers to come gives me something to look forward to.

The ivy is still winding its way up the trunk.  It's growth was cut back earlier in the year (see my previous post) but it continues to take hold.  I wonder how far it will reach before it is lopped back again?

And my final photo shows some interesting lichen and texture. As a mixed media artist I liked this natural effect.

The Oak

Despite it's forlorn state described in my introduction this tree has done well over the year.  It's leaves are still green with no sign of change yet....


In fact there are still buds

 and acorns are growing fat. Some show signs of splitting.

On the floor I was pleased to see so many acorns, I hope some survive and grow into trees and I bought some home to plant, to give them a helping hand.  

And like the London Plane, the oak also has lichen, an artist's palette of colour and texture. 

Thank you for popping by. I'll be back with more photos next month and you can find out more about tree following here
I am linking in with Lucy over at Loose and Leafy.  


  1. The shades and textures of the bark and lichen are especially attractive. I like these posts about your trees :).

  2. As a fellow Essexarian ? (what are we called? LOL ) I loved seeing your photos.
    I like using photos with texture like lichen in my digital projects.
    I have some ivy too going up a lilac tree and I guess it should be trimmed but it looks so fab so keep putting it off. Great post... have a lovely weekend . Gill x

  3. You are wise to think of spring flowers as a benefit of this season coming to an end! I'm not a fan of autumn--it means winter's ahead. So when I'm feeling grumpy this fall, I will try thinking about spring violets :-)
