Sunday 13 September 2015

5 in 5 - MELANIE - September 2015

Melanie is my friend who lives in Australia and she loves photography. Every month Melanie has taken part in this monthly neme and we managed to find a way round her not having a blog by posting here. I love that we have found a way for her to take part! So over to you Melanie:

Another 5th of the month and my head couldn’t think of what to take five minutes of for this month’s photos.  The day was grey in fact very wet, lots of rain and not a very inspiring day for going off somewhere so I just went into the garden and did some chicken photos when it wasn’t raining.  The photos were done and life continued without me downloading the photos to the PC and sending to Sandie until I received a prompt.  Now at 11pm when the rest of the house has gone to bed I am sitting at the PC and sorting out my five in five. 

Hope you enjoy the photos they are of my new and old chickens.  My old chickens are not very good at laying eggs.  So my plan on my return from a three months overseas trip was to buy three babies ISA browns who from pass experience I know are good egg layers and see how things go.  My three old chickens were having a holiday at my daughters and she kept them for three weeks longer while I settled in the three babies.  I was expecting there to be battles when the three old girls returned to their home ground and found three babies  but it hasn’t happened.  The three old girls keep together and three new girls keep together.  We now get a couple of eggs a day which is more than enough to keep us in omelettes and quiche.  So to the photos the three new girls happily stick together on the  feeder and are still small enough for the three of them to fit.  That is the top RHS photo.  The bottom RHS photo is a close up of one of the new girls.  Then the LHS photos are of the old girls. The middle bottom showing all three sticking together.  As well as different breeds you can see that the young ones have much smaller crowns compared to the old girls.

Thank you to Melanie! I look forward to hearing more about the new chickens.  If this has inspired you to pick up your camera and take part in this challenge you have until 25th before this months link closes. It's great fun and this post should answer any questions or give other information that you need.

To see this and more links for this month just go here and hopefully I'll be back with
 more photos from Melanie next month. I hope you will join us and thanks for popping by.


  1. I love hens, Melanie, so it was really interesting to see your photos and read about them. Hoping they keep laying well for you.

  2. They look lovely! I am sure they will all get on together!
