Thursday 2 April 2015


This is my 5th year of Project 365 and rather than have my photos sit on my computer I have decided to share them here weekly.

Welcome to week 13. 
Day 85:  Last time I showed a beautiful lino print sent to me by a friend. I want to use this as the cover of a journal and my friend was happy for me to make a copy. I printed onto calico so that it will be more hard wearing, I'm looking forward to making the journal next.

Day 86: Spring would not be the same without making my annual visit to see the daffodils.

Day 87: I was bought this pot plant at Christmas, it has not stopped flowering.

Day 88: My beautiful typewriter.  It needs a spring clean!

Day 89: This clematis is a favourite as the scent is heavy and makes me want to just stand and breath it in. 
I was pleased to see this bee, we must do everything we can to attract and protect them.

Day 90: Journaling, writing... I love everything about it.

Day 91: Bedtime reading.  A bad shot because I forgot to take a photo earlier in the day! 

 Thanks for popping by.  How has your week been?  


  1. That is some field of daffodils! I like the view of your typewriter too

  2. wow where are those Daffs?? Gorgeous xxx

  3. I'm sure my week would have been improved by a bit of Kate Atkinson. I'm a big fan!

  4. My goodness, what a splendid field of daffodils! No wonder you make sure you get to see them ... And I like your montage of writing things - when is your Shetland course? Wishing you a happy weekend!

    1. I leave on 22nd April, Sian. My excitement bubbles!! lol
