Monday 30 March 2015


This is my 5th year of Project 365 and rather than have my photos sit on my computer I have decided to share them here weekly.

Welcome to week 12. 

My computer is unwell and it keeps shutting down at the drop of a hat so often I loose my work and have to do it again... and again!  Frustrating isn't the word - but here I am at last with another set of photos and none of these are food related! I kept to my word, though I must say, the Beer Can Roast Chicken that I made did warrant a photo or two. Sorry that I can't show you, the chicken looked quite comical perked on the can but you'll just have to use your imagination to picture that!  I'll show you these though:
 Day 78:  Happy Mail from Denmark. I admired this light house first time a friend showed me her lino print and now I have my own. There was lots of other exciting papery things to make my day special too!

Day 79:  Solar Partial Eclipse.  Sadly it was cloudy overhead so no chance of seeing the eclipse where I was, though there was a definite darkening and chill in the air. I watch live tv and managed to take this photo, not protective eye wear needed! 
Day 80: Spring Soltice. 
I was at Avebury for the Summer Soltice and this is where I would liked to have been today. Instead I was home and the sun dial that our children bought us marks time and seasonal change. 
Day 81.  A few of my writing books.  Time to get some down and enjoy reading them again and writing more....
Day 82. Decluttering continues and another load ready for the Charity Shop. It's a good feeling to see the space and organisation I am creating. 
Day 82 (again). Another book making class and one this was made by a lady who came today. I loved the way she put lace over the tissue dress pattern - the book I am making is asking for this. I love how we share ideas and learn from each other.
Day 83: Altered art. Love just playing and seeing what evolves....
Day 84: Time to get the awning checked over and ready to go...
And if you are going away this Easter I hope you have a wonderful
time with sunny skies and a good journey. I'll be back here soon with another week in photos, thanks for popping by...


  1. What a lovely week! Decluttering continues here too! (Seems never ending sometimes...)

  2. The rain is bouncing off the pavements here, so I'm hoping it has cleared up for the end of the week. Have a great trip!

  3. You're doing well with your decluttering. I'm starting to feel the benefits emotionally as well as appreciating the extra space I now have and I hope it is the same for you.
