Sunday 4 January 2015


The New Year came and went all too soon, and so later than intended I'd like to wish you a very Happy New Year and hope that it is healthy and wonderfully happy.

I am still recovering from a pre-Christmas virus and low on energy, so I have used the time to read some new art journaling books, catch up on an online course (hours of video tutorials!) and managed to finish a couple of late handmade Christmas presents. I've also watched hours of feel-good films over Christmas so I have enjoyed this quiet time even though it was frustrating not to be able to do all the things I planned. 

I hope your own start to the year has been enjoyable and I look forward to visiting blog posts over the next few days. I have lots of catching up to do!  Thanks for visiting and let's hope 2015 has lots of wonderful surprises and good things in store!


  1. Happy New Year to you. I'm only just starting to really feel well after my pre-christmas virus.

  2. Sorry to hear you have been under the weather Sandie and hope you are steadily getting stronger. Look forward to seeing you soon. xx
