Wednesday 24 December 2014


I thought I had survived the lurgies that were all around me, but it didn't last.  For the past 2 weeks I have been dragging myself through the day and trying to prepare for Christmas.  And truth is, much of the time has been spent snuggled up on the sofa watching seasonal films and hoping that next day I would have more energy.    Thankfully today is finally the day.  It has been one of much present wrapping, cushion making or should I say the start of?  Whether my son gets the finished cushions on Boxing Day will be another thing, but I know he will understand if he has to wait another week.  After all, they were promised back in the summer, so he has learnt to be patient! 

 Wishing you a VERY happy Christmas and hoping yours is a healthy one, filled with family, friends and everything you wish for yourself.


  1. Happy Christmas.....glad you're feeling better

  2. Merry Christmas Sandie - hope you are feeling better. I've spent the last five days feeling quite ill myself, so I understand where that leaves you when the real day comes.

  3. I hope by now that you are feeling very very much better and that you and yours have enjoyed your Christmas

  4. Here's another wishing you well and hoping that you are feeling much, much better and sending warmest good wishes :).
