Saturday 1 November 2014


Another Halloween has passed and another night of hococ pocos.  My daughter and her family love an excuse for some fun and much of their day was spent preparing.  And as always we joined them once it got dark.  We were greeted by strange looking small people.

The big one had a very serious face but I learnt that a zip had been glued onto her face (literally) and this made face movements difficult.  The effect was so clever I thought they had bought the mask, but no, they had made it by hand.  What's not to love about that!! 
And of course there was trick and treats. 
And children would be offered the cat litter tray.........
 Actually, these were shaped chocolate brownies in Rice Crispies and we loved seeing the  response they received!  There was polite hesitance and the odd refusal, but there was a huge bucket of sweets on offer for the not so brave or the very small.

And then it was time to go knocking on doors ourselves......

Some looked amazing and it was wonderful to see the effort and the way that some neighbours played along. 

And then there was this one...... 
As we approached smoke appeared from the front door, there was eerie noise and a huge white lady standing facing the door....

Then as we gingerly approached she s-l-o-w-l-y turned round.....  and walked towards us!!!! 
Boy did we SCREAM!! 
The little ones (and ones not so little!!) all ran back to the road leaving me in hysterics and grappling with my camera.  I SO wished I had caught this on video!!

There was reassurance, trepid footsteps back, and the white lady went out of her way to be friendly and explain to the little ones that hers was just a costume too.  She offered to pose for a photo.   

The very little one refused to look.... however she did agree to a high five with the white lady before we left.   And then it was back home, with the last laugh on us! 

Time to remove make up and retell the tales of our Halloween. 



  1. No decorated houses here and very few trick and treaters...far more celebrations down your way.
    Love the cat litter box!

  2. Wow super costumes all round Sandie! And I think the white lady would give me nightmares!

  3. That zipped face is amazing! I do hope the lady in the white dress didn't appear in too many bad dreams that night!

  4. It looks like a whole lot of fun. Really took me back..we have no dresser-uppers left in this house. But we did have lots of trick or treaters and next year I think I'll dress up to answer the door! I like the picture taken from the outside in: I should have got someone to do that here too

  5. Awesome tale Sandy! I think that headless woman would have given me nightmares - hope the little one survived okay.
