Monday 3 November 2014


I thought I'd share one of my recent makes, a giveaway that I offered to celebrate the 1st anniversary of my monthly 5 in 5 photo challenge.  Melanie's name was chosen in the random selection and she had mentioned to me that she wanted to make a book using the photos from her monthly posts but that she hadn't found the time.  I was wondering what I could send as a giveaway and I loved this idea...  in fact, I couldn't think of anything more perfect! 

It's been a secret and Melanie doesn't know that I have made this book.  At least, not until now, if she reads this post!   Hopefully it will still be a good surprise.

Each page shows Melanie's photo collage, one for each month of the year that she sent me.  And I designed the pages with a side pocket that would hold a tabbed insert. 

I wanted to include the story that Melanie had sent me with each photo collage and I love how her writing fitted perfectly onto each side.  I also love how these can be tucked away so that the focus is on the photo, but how the tab invites you to pull them out and read. 

I experimented with a new construction that seems to have worked well.  I didn't want to use a hidden hinge as these take space inside the pocket and this design allows the pages to open flat and for the inserts to fully fit inside.  I taught this construction at a recent class and it was well received.  Now I plan to make another of these books for myself because I loved seeing Melanie's photos in this way and I decided I want my own copy!   I also plan to use the same idea for my own 5 in 5 photos as there's nothing like the feel of a book and turning pages.  I hope Melanie will agree! 

It will soon be time for another '5 in 5' post so I hope you will come back on 5th.  And if you want to join in this monthly challenge, you'd be very welcome.  You can find out more here. Meanwhile I'd love to hear ways how you have shared some of your photos, thanks for popping by.


  1. A Face Book message from Melanie.... Oooopps she did she it! LOL

    "It looks incredible and I have tears in my eyes after reading about this fantastic surprise. Thanks heaps!"

  2. I'm not surprised that she loved it!

  3. what a wonderful present and you made it so beautifully
