Saturday 2 August 2014

Come join our JUNK JOURNAL SWAP!!

'Why don't YOU organise a swap?'.....

......  Pauline encouraged as I admired my friend's latest Junk Journal.  It's not the first time she has said this.  Oh no!  Pauline knows of my ideas and is fully supportive, but when I was in full time employment I didn't have time for the commitment or chasing my dreams.  Now  it's different.  In my new life 'after-work' I CAN take on challenges and long held dreams. 

The problem is my creative space is a MESS and lately I have crept back into the house again and taken over.   It's a good job my husband is so patient and supportive!  But a part from wasting time trying to find things that I want, I need to make my cabin the creative space it was meant to be and Pauline is coming over to help me.  I had planned a major de-clutter but after seeing Pauline's junk journal I had a rethink.  Because I have a hoard of cardboard and papers ear marked for projects and let's face it, one's mans trash  is another mans treasure!  And I am reluctant to part with it because how often do you part with something only to want it a few days later?!   So for now I will organise and see what I am dealing with.  And THEN I will decide my next step.

Meanwhile, I do know that I have more stash than I can use in a lifetime.  I hate waste and I have recycled, reused, and 'made-do-and-mend' long, long before the current trend started. What I LOVE is making something new from old or unwanted, and passing on what I don't need to other people to use.  And while I succumb all too readily to merchandise (I bought 3 more 12x12 pads of paper this week to add to my mountain of stash!) what fires my passion is making something my own - adding design or colour - and decorating paper, and using it to make embellishments, tags, euphoria, mini books, journals, ........  you get the idea! 

And as well as inviting you to join this Junk Journal Swap (details in a moment) I also thought it would be fun to offer a few simple ideas how we can play with some of the paper we have.  Have you ever looked at the patterned paper inside an envelope?  Often blue and white, or sometimes grey patterns, these are transformed with some simple doodling, stamping or mark making.  And how many of you have scrapbook papers or other patterned paper you do not like?  Lets have some fun changing them into something we do like, or making them stand out rather than something we keep at the bottom of the pile.  Then you can use them yourself or pass them on to someone else to enjoy.  So here's the plan:

For the next 2 weeks I will be posting quick and simple ideas for altering your papers/pages.  I will also include ideas for things you might want to include in your journal.  Then, why not take part in the Swap?  Here's how:


1.  Look around for paper or card to make pages no larger than 8 x 6 inches.
     NOTE!  A junk journal is just that.  You can include used materials such as packaging,
     envelopes, magazines, newspaper, book pages, flyers, leaflets, receipts, tickets, paint
     chips, tags from clothing, greeting cards, a long with any other papers you want to use.  
     Please ensure all materials are clean and what you would be personally happy to receive.
     For some ideas go to this post where I show a recent junk journal I made using papers
     found around the house.

     Keep some of these papers for your own Junk Journal. 
2.  Post 10 pages to me:

     a.  5 of these can be unaltered - pages from a magazine, book, envelope, patterned, plain,
     map etc.  If you have something interesting - all the better - but any paper will do! 

      b.  5 of your papers should be altered in some way.  Feel free to be as expressive and as
      playful as you want!  You could stamp, paint, doodle, add college, a pocket, sewing,
      anything that makes a mark and leaves your personal impression.  Anything goes!

      If you want to include other bits and bobs such as postage stamps, euphoria, tickets etc.
      these make a lovely surprise for the recipient. 
3.  Make a cover for your personal Junk Journal 8 x 6 inches.  Use what ever materials you
      have to hand or prefer (corrugated or plain card, mount board, grey boardpackaging
      (from cereal or soap powder for example).   Be creative and imaginative.   

      DO NOT PUNCH HOLES in your cover or pages! 

      Post your cover and pages to me, in return you will receive a complete,  luscious junk
      journal all ready to use, supplied with rings to hold it together. 

4.  Sign up by email:  sandie17 (at) talktalk (dot) net

Post your cover and pages to me by September 1st latest. 
      Don't forget to include your name and address!  (Please write clearly)
      Enclose a cheque for £5  (UK only) to cover return postage  and extra pages added from
      my own supplies.   
      Alternately pay by Paypal (friends and family please):  sandie17 (at) talktalk (dot) net    
      You are very welcome to join in if you live overseas, please contact me so that I can let 
      you know the postage rate that applies.
5.   Once received I will share the pages and post your journal by 15th September. 
      Please note I can not be responsible if your junk journal gets damaged, lost or goes
      missing in the post, however I will obtain a certificate of posting and package well. 

6.  Feel welcome to post about your journal once your receive it, and I will a provide link so
      that others can be part of the roundup.  And if there is interest, other links could be
      included during the making if you would like to share examples of 'MAKE A MARK'.     

I do hope you will join in
because the more the merrier! 

 If you have any questions please ask and thanks for popping by.


  1. Sounds a fabulous idea. Will have to think about it before I commit.

  2. Me, me, me, me please. Will pay when I see you x x x

  3. Fantastic idea and I for one will definitely be swapping with you Sandie.....i have so much JUNK around my craft room, though maybe as you say one mans junk etc....etc........

    1. Brilliant!! So much look forward to sharing with you and having some paper fun!!

  4. And of course I will be joining in - I just love a junk journal as well you know - looking forward to doing this xxx

  5. I'm in! I have lots of lovely ephemera that needs using! x

  6. Hi Sandie....I think I'd like to join in....not sure how good I'll be at junk journals.....I'm happy to receive mine at the Bloggers Weekend.

    1. There's nothing to get wrong Jacky so come join the fun! I look forward to receiving your cover and pages and I will bring your Junk Journal to the Bloggers retreat as you suggest :)

  7. I shall enjoy watching all the fun. I'm not able to joun in at the moment but maybe another time. Mxx

  8. It does sound like fun. Won't join in from over here, but may take the nudge to gather and bind some of my own junk papers.

  9. That sounds a good plan Susanne. I hope you will still link in and show us if you put a Junk Journal together :)

  10. Hello....l kind of like the idea of a junk journal but l just cant see the point of them at the same time! Can you explain to me WHY people make them and whats the purpose of them? L would like to understand!

  11. What a great question Denise! I have tried to answer in my post:
    I hope that is helpful

  12. This sounds like so much fun. Unfortunately I live on the wrong continent. I LOVE making journals of all kinds. I find I sometimes have more fun making them than filling them. Well if you ever open it up wider or decide on a round robin, give me a shout. I'll be watching for all the pics you post. ((((HUGS)))) Kimmie happyhomeschoolroom (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Hi Kimberley, no continent is the wrong continent - everyone is welcome to join in. Postage for overseas will obviously be more and I will email you with more information. Thank you for your comment and I hope you will be able to take part this time or another.

    2. I sent you an email. I will most definitely be joining. I have a thousand ideas running through my head. I can't wait. ((((HUGS)))

    3. So looking forward to you joining in Kimmie - email received. Thank you :D
