Wednesday 30 July 2014


I have pushed aside everything on my workspace today because it looked like a mountain and I needed to get organised. I am starting to run Book Making classes this week and after making an example I discovered a re-love for those little wooden alpha stamps.  You know the ones?  They come in a box (usually without a lid) and they have a nasty habit of falling out all too easily!  But having decided I want to use them more often something needed to be done to contain them, so I simply cut strips of thick card and folded it over the stamps, held in place by an elastic band.  So that I can identify
the stamps I took a photo of each set and resized it to fit the lid of the box.  I then printed them out and glued them in place. 

I now have neat looking boxes and hopefully no more escaping stamps!I am ready to add to my collection so I printed an extra copy of the stamp sets to put in my purse, that way I might avoid buying

It's been ages since I last visited so off now for a browse at other workspaces and to see what others have been up to!     

This post is part of Julia's weekly sharing of 'What's On Your Work Desk?' To see what others have been up to why not pop over and see.


  1. Great organisation tip Sandie! Your elastic bands/mini alphas reminded me of a friend who, rather than stamp out each individual letter she needs using those little stamps ...

    ** she wraps an elastic band around the full set > inks them up > stamps them on to card several times > then cuts out the letters she wants! A sort of DIY alpha sticker sheet!

    1. That's a good idea Julie.
      I have made a word with mini alphas and put an elastic band around them to hold them in position while I stamp - washi tape works well for this too. They certainly are versatile little stamps!

  2. I may copy your very clever idea. It's a great way to keep it straight, especially when you're out buying new ones. Happy WOYWW! Helen #73

  3. That's a nifty idea. My sets of these 99p stamps are my favourite stamps I own and I definitely need to take better care of them!

  4. I have a drawer full of these tiny little alphas (all the ones you have and too many more) cause they are just so USEFUL. I like the rubber band idea - mine keep trying to escape too and one or two sets might be missing a critical letter... DOH!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  5. Both yours...and Julie's....are great ideas. I don't use mine nearly enough.

  6. Good idea Sandy - mine are always falling out inside my craft box!

  7. What a great idea to organize these stamps! Happy WOYWW, Evelyn # 79

  8. love the book on your desk - did you make it?!
    I have some of those little stamp sets - and have the same problem actually! so glad i have seen this post, need to go and make some box covers too!

    1. Hi Lea, yes I did make the mini book. It's one of several I have made for classes that I will be teaching locally.

  9. All the best ideas are simple ones. Will speak to you about these next week.
    Joy x x x

  10. Nice mini. I have a love and let em languish relationship with alpha stamps - I buy them and rarely use them.

  11. I have loads of these sets, fortunately my storage system doesn't involve needing in they sit on of op of each other on a shelf! Great idea with the photos, could cheerfully do that on quite a few of my bigger boxed alphas..I find them a nuisance!

  12. I have a set of those stamps and that is a great idea. Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x #38

  13. Brilliant idea, Sandie. Those alphabets are really useful, aren't they?
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1
