Saturday 27 April 2013


In my last post I wrote about authenticity and how my own style guides my creative work. 

And with beautiful timing, Sian Fair followed this with a question that set me thinking:

What IS my creative style?

Well, here is the list I came up with:

Kraft Paperarty stamping simple designs muted shades cardstock birds paper with small patterns stationary Mail peacock blue mustard aqua jade beige cream white buttons washi tape envelopes journaling  photography mini albums upcycling retro art journaling  Acrylic paint doodling sewing book making

I have defined my style over time and it continually develops.  I have lots of supplies I no longer use because they no longer suit what I do and I keep planning to move them on.... to create space for things I do use. A big de-clutter and re-organisation is planned.

What about you? 
Has your style changed and developed?  What does it look like now?  And if you want to join a style-swap, go see what Sian has planned.

“The creative mind plays with the object it loves 
Carl Gustav Jung  


  1. So many lovely things on your list! Mustard! I should have put that on my list too.

    Your swap partner should have a ball working from this - lots of ideas here

  2. Sandie I love reading your posts - great description of your style - will have to go and find Sian's blog - I love a swap xxx

  3. Sandie, I love reading your posts, love the description of your creative style - will have to search out Sian's blog - you know how much I love a swap.

  4. My style has definitely evolved. And I'm pretty good about purging the things that don't suit me anymore. Love your list, especially the colors.
