Friday 12 April 2013

MINI BOOK: Being Authentic

Last year I was invited to run a class at my monthly Eclectic Keepsakes crop.  Well of course, I immediately said yes!  I LOVE making mini books and felt honoured to be asked.

Then doubt set in! 

You see, I immediately thought of a beautiful little book I had once seen and thought 'one-day I will make that'.  Now, how many times do you do this?  Because I do it fairly regularly, and those ideas fade or get forgotten, or I can't find the original inspiration when I want it.  But on this occasion I DID find the picture I had printed. So it was meant to be!  Then I started to think of how I could make it my own.... 

And that's where the problem started....  You see, among the ladies who regularly attend the crop are those who create beautiful scrap book pages, members of design teams (some with published work), those who like layers and pretty pages, and others who use stamps and inking and make me want to hide my pads because their amazing techniques make me feel inadequate.... 

So how could I make this class appeal to everyone?! 

For the next couple of weeks I started to procrastinate, to search the internet and my books for alternative designs.  None clicked with me.  I still 'loved' my original idea.  So in the end I decided to STOP trying to compromise and think how I can please everyone else. I made up my mind to be me! 

To be authentic. 

This gave me new energy and focus so after making a sample I went shopping for materials.  What fun!  I had ideas in mind but in the shop I found some Simple Story papers. Now I love these, and while I shopped I mentally re-designed my pages so these could be 
included.  I enjoy being spontaneous and going with my intuition.  Sometimes I don't know what will turn out, but that makes it all the more exciting!

And armed with my new-found enthusiasm and materials I threw myself into making my Mini Book. I didn't even know the theme before I started, but the Simple Stories was perfect for a recent holiday and my book was quickly filled with photos and memories.  And I was confident that this was adaptable and that others could make it fit their photos and themes too.  At the crop I loved how other ladies used the same materials and design and made it their own, but sadly I have no photos of these to share. 

But I do have photos of my book. It is also a reminder to me to be authentic at all times. And rather than be photo heavy I thought I'd make a short video. But do you know what?  I have sat here hours today trying to do this, so for now I will add some photos and maybe try and do a video later.  And I'd be interested to know what you prefer?  Photos or video?

Some of the smaller photos serve as pages within pages. That makes it ideal for journaling or adding even more photos on the back if like me you struggle to know what to leave out!

There was lots of space for journaling.

Some of the pages above were unfinished and I have now added journaling or final finishes. And I am glad I stuck to my original idea for the design. 

And if you run classes I wonder if you can relate to my dilemma?  How do you go about trying to make the experience enjoyable and meaningful for everyone?   


  1. Oh yes! Imagine having to do that for five whole days of classes?! I did a bookbinding week at the Children's University last summer... a whole five days of projects, that I had to design for everyone!

    But this book is beautiful and now I want to have a go myself - as, I should think, will everyone else!
    A lovely project and I enjoyed looking at the photos. Choice of materials is perfect and the photos are great.
    If you have problems with a little film, you could make a slide-show instead?

    1. I will look at a slide show as an option Lizzie. Thanks for the suggestion. Perhaps that's what I should have been trying to create in the first place and why it wasn't working! I'll wear my silly hat if this was the problem, lol!

    2. So lovely to see this book Sandie - its great. I have the kit and now I have seen the pictures I have absolutely no excuse not to make it. You were right to go with your intuition, its stunning, and of course your photography certainly shows it to its best - be interesting to see a video of it though xxx

  2. I loved this book when you taught the class and Gracia loves it even more because I filled it with photos of her first holiday abroad with her two best girl friends.

    You should never doubt your abilities as you make absolutely awesome and amazing mini books and I am so, so looking forward to your class in May x

    1. Thank you Karen :)
      I'm so glad Gracia liked her book and I won't be having the same worries in May. Thankfully I have learned to go with the heart and not the head!

  3. Is this the one you were making using envelopes, Sandie?'s lovely!
    Alison xx

    1. No, I made this album last August Alison, for the September crop. The envelope idea was for May's class. But I am thinking of a different design as I'm not entirely happy with the envelope one for the crop.
      I'm still playing around with ideas but will need to decide soon! I'll post that one a bit quicker lol.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like the clear cover - I've done that and it helps to protect the covers while adding interest. Do like a multi-purpose idea :)

    Yes, definitely relate to the problem - the course I'm teaching at the moment has a wide range of ability and interests. This looks lovely. I'm a photo person myself but like slideshows too.

  6. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us in a few weeks time! I missed last years as I was on holiday but it looks lovely. Do you know photo sizes and number needed yet?

    1. Hi Debs, I bought the papers at Ally Pally today so I will be making a sample book and then I will know photo suggestions. I will let you know asap. Glad you can make the class this time, looking forward to seeing you. It seems ages ago!

  7. Love the mini book,Sandie....and you are right....the way to go when to be yourself....and go with something you love....your enthusiasm will then be catching.

  8. Lovely mini Sandie. It's fab how each page is a new experience with different papers and stamps.

    I always prefer photos (or slide shows) with text explanations for tutorials. That way I can follow at my own pace.

  9. I thought I was going to be in the minority in saying that I preferred photos to videos, but it seems not! That's interesting. I'd much rather look at photos in my own time and be able to go back to the ones I like than have to sit through a video. Your book is beautiful: it can take courage to be "you" and to remember that you have been asked because you are "you" - but it pays off

    1. Thank you Sian.
      I am glad I asked the question because I enjoy looking at videos but it can be difficult to take in detail. I worry sometimes about being photo heavy and thought a video or slideshow would make presentation more interesting. It is lovely and appreciated to have feedback and views on this.
      It's funny because I have done lots of teaching in the past and 'being me' is not usually a worry. I think I know the ladies at the crop quite well and am aware of the diversity and skill level, that was my stumbling block. Once I realised that this was all I could be, and that was the reason I was asked in the first place I could carry on.
      I am in the middle of preparing another mini book class and this time I have wasted no energy or thought on trying to be anything other than myself :)

  10. Your little book is so full, despite its being mini' - and I really like all the journalling space, with such a variety of pages. I've never been asked to do a class, so wouldn't know where to start - but being yourself sounds a good one :). I like photos, rather than video, too!

  11. What a great post - it really shows a lesson (re)learned! I love that line of papers, too. I haven't taught in a while, but I eventually realized that I was never sure which classes students would really like (or sign up for), so just thought it important to do something that I liked/would want to make.
