Wednesday 23 January 2013


Well it is so long since I lasted posted 'What's on your Workdesk? Wednesday'. I have missed it, as I love looking back to see the state of my workspace what projects I have been working on.  I enjoy looking at other workspaces too, and I see Julia is starting to collect mugs on hers....  a sign of business perhaps?  Julia is the host of WOYWW so do pop over and see what others have been up to and to say hi. But for now here's my floor rather than my workspace:

I came back from a creative residential this weekend and so far I have not unpacked.  Well, not wholly true.  I had almost completed a mini album and wanted to finish the last few pages, so while packing away I left this and materials I needed to hand.  Just a few last pages and it is done!  Pheww!

Now if this was Journal Your Christmas 2012 I would be very excited.  But actually it is 2011... (hang head in shame).  I didn't even attempt an album this year because I have a lot of UFO'S (unfinished objects) and really do not want to keep adding to the pile.  And so I took them along this weekend with intention of completing some of them. 
And .... I did! 
Here I posted about a mini album that I started to make at my monthly crop.  And now it is finished and I am so happy with it.  I don't often make albums about 'me' so I loved thinking about some of my favourite things:

And there is more!  I also completed not one, but TWO 'Learn Something New Every Day'  albums!2011 and 2012.  I learnt from making my first album and this time I prepared pages and embellishments in advance.  During the summer it is lovely to sit in my campervan during my lunch break and to create while I am at work.  A mini album is perfect for this, especially if everything is organised and at hand.  But I started other projects and the album was left unfinished.  And when I
look through my albums I remember how much I enjoy creating them and what they mean to me.  So there is a want to finish them and not leave them undone. And as I worked on these two albums I recognised some similarities:

2011 - floods while camping in Wales

2012 - floods while camping in Yorkshire
2011 - I waited a long time to find the boots I wanted

 2012 - This trip to Yorkshire with our son had been a long time planned 

And so not to disappoint - here is my workspace today.  Actually these tables live in my cabin but we swapped them at Christmas so we could comfortably fit the family round the table for dinner.  I can't currently get into my cabin to work - there are new kitchen worktops balanced on the table and it needs a really good tidy and de-clutter. Oh dear......

But this year my one word is TRANSFORMATION  and this is what I am planning!!  And with a week off work I am making a start right now. I have new bookshelves in my study and I have been busy re-organising this morning.  Time now to crack on!

Hoping to be a regular here again and have a good day what ever you are doing!


  1. Well done you, getting some projects finished :) I have some UFOs myself (*blush!*) and really ought to set aside some time to clear the decks a bit...

  2. What a sense of achievement we get from finally completing those UFO's! Well done Sandie.

  3. What a sense of achievement we get from completing those UFO's! Well done Sandie!

  4. How lovely to get your albums finished. I have plenty of UFOs that need attention some time!

  5. Good for you on completing the UFO's - I have pulled all of mine out and if they are not personal projects I have turned them into kits and donated them to charity! Yay! Happy WOYWW! Cx #84

    1. That's a good idea. Maybe I will look at mine differently and if they are not 'special' I will do something different with them rather than leave them in the pile.

  6. Welcome back to WOYWW and by the looks of it you have been very busy as I love your mini albums and journal and scrapbook pages
    Ria #92

  7. Great job moving forward! I've been knocking a few things off my list, too.

  8. Congratulations, much finished.....I really must try and do the same.

  9. As you know I really, really love your mini albums and these ones are especially lovely.

  10. thanks for visiting and what a fab post i love your albums I would love to give it a go and its my Plan for this year they are ace I can see how they have taken a long time it so much work but looks well worth it. good luck with all your unfinished objects and your big week off hope you get some you time too Andrea#6

  11. You could do Floods around the UK as a theme!! Bad luck about that, but there was no escape last year....sigh... Those mini albums are great fun!
    Hugs, LLJ 37 xx

  12. Awesome work!! And I love your word for the year! I am concentrating on "time management" this year!! I hope we both make it!!

  13. I love these mini-books and the thought of being able to sit in a campervan at lunchtime and scrap is just blissful!

  14. I love your mini-books and the thought of being able to sit in a campvan at lunchtime and scrapbook is just blissful!

  15. Great finishing up - you got a lot out of that crafty weekend.

  16. Thank you so much for your lovely comments earlier.. hope you get some time to experiment with making digi elements and pages. I must admit since finding Serif Craft Artist software it has been soooo much easier but I do use Photoshop elements too for effects etc. Really love your mini books, they are so inspiring. I've got 3 books on making books and the rings too, so no excuse not to have a go..except having found WOYWW I have a growing list of 'to do' things ..wish there was more time for everything. Will be back to see what you are creating.... happy crafting.. Gill x #64
