Monday 21 January 2013


I have just returned from 3 days at Grafham Waters, a creative retreat where I unwound, completed a number of mini albums, and indulged in wonderful home cooked food and great company.

This time we were a varied bunch of beaders and quilters as well as those of us who like pretty papers.  And it was surprising how much we all shared... 
  • Our mountain of stash
  • Ways of organising by colour or pattern 
  • Our NEED to buy more even when we have abundance...  let's face it, we never have exactly the right shade, size, pattern, however many we have!!
  • Our pile of work-in-progress or UFO's (unfinished objects).
And what's more, I now have a week off work to continue my unwinding....  bliss! 

It won't be continued play, as much as I would like it to be...

Projects around the home continue and I have new bookshelves in my study to fill and piles of paperwork to sort through and organise.  And as we are snowed in I don't feel any urge to leave the house so I will be list-making and setting myself challenges. 

And the occasional treat too.... because all work and NO play is not in my rule book!

Have a good week what ever you are doing. 


  1. Sounds like a wonderful 3 days,Sandie....crafting with others is always inspiring.
    Don't work too hard!!

  2. Bookshelves to fill..what could be better? Except maybe a few days at a Creative Retreat lol!

  3. So glad you are able to find some time for yourself after your hectic time of late.x

  4. Love your observations on common ground between crafters, so true! Enjoy your week.

  5. Have a wonderful week off and remember to find time to play in the snow too!!
