Friday 15 June 2012


At the end of June I am organising a creative residential on the riverside.  There will be boats, hopefully lots of boats, walks along the seawall to clear our minds and inspire us. And photo opportunities... my goodness, there will be lots of those.  And sky... in this part of the world you have lots of sky.  Which leads me to clouds.  Hopefully they will be the white fluffy kind, but I guess the black ones do create atmosphere and drama....  both create amazing reflections in the water. But I'd rather not rain please... we have had our fill of that!!  There will be a gathering of friends, relaxed and busy around tables.  There will be paper, lots of it, and ideas flowing and buzzing.  I can't wait!!

I've been trying to think of projects for the weekend, something that has a twist and that it is fits our theme. I have not had head space recently for coming up with original ideas, which leaves me frustrated as I LOVE being in that head space, bouncing ideas and bringing them together.  So far I have decided on something using bunting, because it is so cheerful and immediately puts me in a celebratory mood.  It is also versatile and lends itself to so many ideas.

And so I was excited to come across Jennifer's 21st birthday card with bunting.  What a great idea!  I have made mini albums and cards like this using tags, but that piece of cord that ties them together just makes all the difference.  And it immediately inspired me because I want to use bunting during our stay, and a mini album.  Mmmm... finally my head space is where I want it to be and what's more, I'm off work today so ..... deep breath..... long and slow.... I can do what I need to do, and that includes making some ME time.  For some that would mean having a manicure, dressing up to go out, but my ME time?  That would be clearing my mind and doing something creative, a walk with my camera is always good.

But I digress.  While visiting Jennifer's Jumbles I also came across 'An Announcement'. From Friday 29th June – Sunday 1st July Jennifer is having an ‘Organisation Celebration’. So pop over and find out more because there is lots going on.

And what's more, I have my own announcement!

20th June is my 2nd Blogiversary (a name conjured up by Ruth that I loved).  Last year I organised a Blog Hop  which was such fun. 

It would be good to do it again and perhaps I can save that for another time.  But for now I am pondering ideas and I'm running out of time so if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!

Have a good day and thanks for popping over.


Since posting I have been shopping and I bought the latest CRAFT STAMPER magazine.  Guess what??  On the cover there is a clear BUNTING stamp designed by Stamposaurus.
And inside, a number of sea side themed projects and quotes that have really got my creative ideas buzzing.   Serendipity?   


Saturday - And again!  Todays 99cent Digital Brush email offer was words to do with the sea.  And I've just opened the TV programme for today and see PERFUME is on tonight.  This is a film Susannah Conway recommended yesterday for us to watch as part of the EXPLORE YOUR SENSES course.  We have been focusing on scent this week.  I was going to order it on Lovefilm.  Now I don't need to!  The universe is looking after me right now.


  1. Ooh, thanks for the links to my blog! Your weekend away really does sound like it will be wonderful!

    For blogiversary ideas - how about just a post with links back to your favourite posts of the year? With maybe a giveaway for something to celebrate if you can! x

    1. That's certainly an idea, Jennifer. It links in with something else I had in mind so it could come together. Thank's for all the inspiration you have given me today and for the email chat.
      I'm looking forward to your busy weekend. That's when I am 'Messing about on the River' and there is no internet, so I am glad you have extended it. Just hope I will be able to join in as I'll be back at work and that does dominate my day unfortunately. I need a plan!

  2. I was just thinking it must be coming round to your second anniversary - because it was round about Fathers day last year! I like the idea of favourite posts too

    1. You have a good memory Sian.
      Unfortunately you were already committed and unable to be one of my guest Hops. Hopefully you will be able to next time x ;)

  3. loving the idea of bunting and can't wait for a weekend of play! I shall look forward to your blogiversary hip-hoppity if you do it again. BREATHE. Mx

  4. Congrats on the 2nd Blogiversary tomorrow - a great achievement!

  5. I managed to miss this post. Perhaps I didn't know you 3 years ago! Congratulations on 5 years now. You're always welcome to invite me to participate in a blog hop.
