Sunday 10 June 2012


When I had a recent stay in Guernsey and decided I'd like to go back, I didn't realise it would happen so soon. But a bargain day return by ferry was just too good to miss!  So, here are 10 photos for this months 10 things on 10th.  We left England in rain and gales, and arrived in Guernsey to blue skies and sunshine. How lucky were we?!

And to add an extra element of fun to my trip I was on the look out for specific colours.  You see, I am currently taking part in an online course run by Susannah Conway, called Exploring your Senses.  This weeks challenge is to be more aware of your surroundings and there are suggested photos to take.  Some of these here fitted my search beautifully, and I just loved these shoes and couldn't resist sneaking them in!

Hope you had a great weekend too.

If you'd like to see more 10 things on the 10th, pop over to Shimelle where you would also find some great tips on how to pack for a crop.


  1. Ohhhh Sandie lovely photos. Did you buy any of those shoes?

    1. No, sadly I don't have the clothe style to go with the shoes but I loved, loved them!
      ps. I wonder if I should have bought a pair and worried about what to wear them with after?!

  2. love the yellow phone booth:):)

  3. Lovely pics..and I love the shoes too!
    Alison xx

  4. It looks wonderful.....and the phone boxes certainly look different in yellow.

  5. Love those yellow phone boxes and those shoes are pretty amazing!

  6. I LOVE all of these! I was keeping track in my mind "oh I want to mention this one, and this one and ohhh I love them all!" excellent use of color!

  7. It looks gorgeous. I've never been to the Channel Islands - didn't know they had yellow phone boxes

  8. I didn't know they have yellow phone boxes - interesting!

  9. Oooh lovely photos, how nice to see some sun! I love those shoes too- and the yellow phone booths- worthy of a few layouts :-)

  10. So good that the sun shone for you. It is such a wonderful place...your pics are super!LOVE those they don't do them in my size!! M xx

  11. Fab photos Sandie - Guernsey is on my bucket list after reading the Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society book! How wonderful to have had a sunny time while we all wore wellies!
    And those shoes ... I'm probably too old now, but they are gorgeous!

    1. Jemma, I bought the book while I was in Guernsey last time. It certainly was a good read and it really opened my eyes to the islands history. Do visit Sark if you go... that was my highlight of my stay. I posted about it here:

  12. Fabulous shots. I am also taking Susannah's course. Loved the looking up for the colour yellow shot.

  13. love that photo of the shoes!

  14. Wonderful images! My favorite is the one with all the pretty colored flags stung across the street! Looks like a lovely place to visit!

  15. Lovely pictures! I've never been to Guernsey, looks gorgeous.

  16. Beautiful!! And a lovely reminder that this thing "the sun" still exists somewhere in the world.

  17. Your photos are lovely, between the colourful banners and the colourful boats I don't know which is my favourite! Makes me want to visit for sure!

  18. Amazing, gorgeous photos. Now I want to visit there too! I went and read your earlier post too, it all looks beautiful.

    I love the yellow phone boxes, and the colourful bunting, and oh - those shoes! Do they do mail order?!
