Monday 12 September 2011


Oh yes, we did camp without a camper!   But it was no surprise because despite all the promises and reassurance we knew it would not be ready in time.  Not to be defeated we packed the new drive-away awning that we had bought and set off for north Wales.  And true to form it lived up to my expectation, for it was wild, wet and windy much of the time.  The men did a grand job of putting up the tent in the rain, while I took refuge inside and pegged out the ground sheet and inner tents!

Despite the weather we had a grand time.  It had been Marc's idea to go to Wales.  He wanted to share some of the places he has been, since we were put off north Wales after our last wet and windy experience many years ago.  But this time we went prepared with good footwear and waterproofs.  The tent performed extremely well under the conditions and the site was just perfect.  We were surrounded by beautiful sceenery and the light and clouds changed constantly.  There was a pub on site that sold good food and real ale, and a small railway station with steam trains pulling in 4 times a day.  Add owls hooting throughout the night, and good amenities, what more could we want?  Other than warm dry evenings so we could BBQ perhaps?  But snug inside the tent playing scrabble was just as much fun and we did everything we planned except go on a cable car and walk out to South Stack Lighthouse.  Both were closed due to high winds.  But there were also breaks in the weather, and the changing skies added to the atmosphere and dramatic sceenery .  I will let the photo's speak for themselves.

And perhaps I won't leave it so long to return to north Wales next time!


  1. Wow! your photos are stunning! Is that a whole hillside of stone names? It looks fascinating.

    I'm sorry to hear the camper wasn't ready though - I've been looking forward to seeing it :)

  2. Lovely photos and they look great in collage sets. I love the hillside of names

  3. I have a big smile because you both mention the Hill of Names. When I told the men that this was one of my highlights of the week they looked at me in amazement. Some things are just lost on them, sad to say! People leave messages in stones from the disused quarry. I found three beautiful fossils without even looking for them, and of course I had to add my name. It's clear you understand how special it felt to be there! We didn't have long enough to explore the whole island so it is on my list to revisit. A cable car runs to the summit so that's included too!

  4. Stunning photos, Sandie! Glad you had such a good time, and your camping looks very organised. Sorry about the camper - I really want a little one. But welcome back!

  5. It was lovely seeing you on Saturday Sandie and your holiday photos are just fabulous.

  6. Photos are fab, we keep promising ourselves a trip to Wales and now I'm even more keen.

  7. The 'hill of names' caught my attention too! Glad you managed to have a lovely time..even with the weather being what it was- and WITHOUT the camper van!
    Alison xx

  8. Love the "Hill of Names!"
    So glad you had a good time!
