Wednesday 31 August 2011


Well, I have finally started to move into my new work space!  I began to wonder if the day would ever arrive and   I will eventually buy a new work table and storage but for now I will try out the space and see what I want to do with it.   And I lost no time in making two books to take on holiday.  These will be used to record our travels and there was no time for elaborate works of art.  But at least I managed to put some pages together and add envelopes for storage and notes.

We are currently having a motor camper built, you see.  Another long term plan finally achieved.  Well, nearly... because at the moment it looks like this:

I am assured it will be ready for our holiday.  Let's say we are on a very tight schedule and I am trying hard to hold onto my optimism! 

I recently read about someone who kept a log book, recording the travels in his campervan.  After collecting these for a number of years he decided to add photos and have the pages professionally bound into volumes.  What a lovely idea, I thought.  And so I plan to record brief notes daily and I will add leaflets and things we collect, adding photos when we get home.  I won't have mine professionally bound since I like making my own books, but I like the idea of recording our travels.  We have lots of ideas planned for the future but first we  will be heading for north Wales.  And of course, I shall take a small kit with me because I will have a another new workspace to try out!!  

Here at Julia's you can see see what others are busy with.  Have a good week, what ever you are doing.


  1. How great to have your workspace nearly ready - and keeping my fingers crossed for you to on the camper van front. Scrapbooking in a mobile space sounds blissful, looking out at the sea... Trying hard not to sigh with envy here, and wishing you joyful days. :)

  2. Wow, how exciting!! A new campervan and workspace, so many opportunities for fun :D Look forward to seeing what happens next! LLJ xx

  3. Wow! That's quite a project! :) I love your idea about keeping a log. :) Enjoy your new craft space.

  4. Have a lovely break if I dont see you before.

  5. Oh I am so jealous! I want a campervan too!

  6. I can't wait to see what your campervan looks like when it is finished Sandie. It's a brilliant project

  7. Exciting times ahead, Sandie! Sounds like a lovely way to be spending your time!
    Alison xx

  8. I love the idea of a camper van. In his youth David had a VW Camper and it was painted with stars and strips and called 'The Redneck Rooster' I am not sure why but I am going to have to dig out the photo now.

  9. That looks like a good idea! Hope all goes well with the planned trip.

  10. The books look great and I love my travel journals. Its amazing how much we forget over time and then rereadfing the journals are such a reminder
    Happy belated WOYWW
