Monday 8 August 2011


Just a quick reminder that I shall be picking a lucky name to receive 'PASS THE BOOK' so to be in for a chance post a comment today!

It has been a 'colourful' week.  Shimelle has focused on colour in her 3rd week of Explore.  I've not done any of the prompts as yet, I'm saving them for when I have more time so that I can enjoy them and not feel under pressure.  However, I did put together my Creative Color Challenge which was to create a colour spectrum using any medium.  Since my workspace is still inaccessible I chose to do this on my computer, I was pleased to be able to use some of my photos.  I knew they'd come in useful one day!

Do you remember I have complained recently that I frequently can't leave comments and am having lots of problems with Blogger?  Well it seems I am not alone.  I was hugely relieved to see this post by Sarah at Blog Guidebook, so if you are also having difficulties it may be worth checking this out.  It looks like I need to delete lots in order to identify the authentication cookie that is causing the problem.  My computer needs a good detox, so perhaps I need to allocate some time and do this.  Then I need to do the same with the house!  Working full time and trying to organise my new creative space means everything is sadly neglected.  But  s-l-o-w-l-y  headway is being made.  Then it will be time to start creating again, I can't wait!

Finally, I had a wonderful day out on Friday with friends.  We went to Charleston House in Sussex, home of the Bloomsbury Set.  I confess, before my visit I knew very little about the artists or their style.  Unfortuantly we could not take photos inside the house, but imagine my surprise when I visited Julia Kirk's post on my return.  A part from the fact that Julia had visited Masham in North Yorkshire, a place I LOVE, she showed photos of a wonderful studio called ArtisOn.  And inside they had a fireplace decorated in the style of the Bloomsbury Set, complete with a painting above it.            I must have learned something from my visit as this artwork jumped out at me and I immediately recognised it! 

I'll be back soon with the name of the lucky person who will receive Painted Pages.  What are you waiting for?  Post your comment now!


  1. Love how you have put that colour combo together using those beautiful flower photos Sandie xxx

  2. Love how you've used the flowers to make the colour spectrum.

  3. Love your color combo, so bright and fresh!

  4. Isn't synchronicity wonderful! Glad you had a lovely day ...
