Monday 8 August 2011


         Today I went to London where I met friends for lunch and visited Spitalfields Market.  

And when I got home I used the Random Generator to choose
the lucky person who will be next to receive Painted Pages.

Drum roll............

5th person to leave a comment was

Alexa !

CONGRATULATIONS!  I'll be Passing the Book as soon as I have your details.
Thank you to everyone who left comments, and to Sian for the idea.

I'll be sad to part with the book but I know I can buy my own copy if I miss it too much!

I had my finger posed over the 'publish' button when 'ping' a new comment arrived on my screen.

It was from Alexa.  Guess what she said? 
"Isn't synchronicity wonderful!"

Her comment related to chance happenings, something I had written about in my previous post

Yes, Alexa!  It certainly is, especially when it happens in succession !!!!





  1. Love your photo Sandie and congrats to Alexa (said through clenched and jealous teeth) xxx

  2. I have a sneaking feeling Alexa will love this one :)

  3. I am so thrilled, Sandie! and looking forward to it very much indeed - thank-you!
