Saturday 16 April 2011

Take a breath....

In my last post I spoke about Shimelle's course 'Blogging for Scrapbookers'.  I knew from the outset that it was bad timing for me, and that there would be too much else going on in my life. So I am not surprised at my lack of postings and course commitment.  But just to show it is not lack of enthusiasm and motivation I have signed up for Shimelle's next and brand new course: Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers.  This course takes blogging a step further and once again, as much as I would love to indulge myself, I know that time will not allow me to throw myself into the course or to blog regularly at this time.  Can you hear my sigh of resignation?

In my fantasy I would wake up each morning to a new prompt, read it slowly over a cup of coffee, and then take time to think about.  I'd write regular and interesting posts and have time to lesuirely browse other blogs and chat on the forum. 
In my fantasy....

In reality 'life' continues to happen.  I have taken time off work to care for my Mum who has just has a full replacement hip operation.  And have I missed the internet while away from home?  You bet I have!  It would have been a good opportunity to spend time doing the course, but it wasn't to be.  I have popped home and grabbed this opportunity to catch up on what I have been missing.

While looking after my Mum I did sneak out for one day.  I'd been looking forward to going to Alexander Palace and was far from dissapointed.  Specially when I discovered Donna Dowley was there.  I have a hankering for making a journal, getting messy with paint and 'stuff'.  I loved this 'make and take' that Donna prepared, and some of her journals were on display.  I could have browsed and stroked them all day.... but that would have looked a bit strange so I dragged myself away eventually and looked at the other stands and displays.  I challeneged myself not to buy even one sheet of scrapbook paper - and guess what?!  I didn't!!  Not one sheet!  Can you imagine the temptation!  But I have indulged myself considerably of late and a beautiful pad from TK Max was the final straw.  I had made up my mind to resist all temptation and weakened.  The papers are lovely though!!  

One of my biggest spends at Alexander Palace was some wonderful shaped albums made out of MDF.  I won't tell you how many I have collected over time, all waiting to be decorated.
Other recent ones are word albums I bought on eBay, one for each of my granddaughters. 

One day I will get round to decorating them.

One day.....  

And I have also resolved not to buy any more blank shape albums until I do.

But now it is time to cook dinner and afterwards I plan to watch 'So you think you can dance' on TV.  Last series had me spellbound by the sheer talent and choreography.  I've also got a good DVD to watch.  If you like romantic I recommend 'Dear John'.   That's my evening mapped out.............


  1. Hi Sandie! Nice to see you back :) I am VERY impressed that you managed to leave without buying a single piece of paper..however I'm guessing thats to make up for all the bank shape albums in storage :)hehe!
    I hope your mum has a speedy recovery and also that you manage to squeeze in some computer time soon...
    enjoy your saturday night in :)x

  2. Hi Sandie - popping over from Beyond Blogging - hope you get to make some of those albums soon! I didn't buy any of those, but I did buy the word Joy from the MDF man last weekend and I also saw those wonderful albums by Donna - would really like to have a go at one of those :) Hope you have a nice weekend and that your mum makes a good recovery.

  3. Thank you. My Mum is making a slow but steady recovery. Hopefully she will soon be out and about again and enjoying the summer to come.

  4. sounds like you needed the albums to go with all the paper!! I keep 'promising' not to buy more papers....but then find I can't resist!!

  5. Sounds like you had a great day out. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures.
