Wednesday 20 April 2011


If you have visitied my blog recently you will know that I am doing another online course.  Day one of Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers inspired me to look at Google Reader and I spent hours yesterday, and I mean hours, visiting blogs and thinking about my own.  I have a list of blogs I follow and yesterday I also set up Google Analyitcs so that I can find out more about who visits my site. Of course, this may be your first time of visiting, and if so, a big warm welcome!!  I hope you like what you see and that you will have time to brieflly browse... on even linger.  

And I guess what I would really like is to know is what draws visitors to my blog and makes them want to return.  Some of my fellow class members have done a poll and I thought about this.  I even started to design one.  Then I decided to leave that for another day and to ask some questions.  And what I would LOVE is for you to leave a comment as I am using this course to reflect and think about what I might add to my blog or change.  After all, the main reason I started my blog was to increase my contact with creative and like minded people, and your views are really important. 

So....  some of the things I'd like to know:

What draws you to a blog?
Is there anything about my blog you especially like?
Would you like more tutorials and links to other sites?
Do you like regular features such as WOYWW and Storytelling Sundays?
What could I do to make my blog better?
I am thoughtful about redesigning my blog page, what would make it more user friendly?  Should I have a sidebar?

Please don't run away at this point!!! I don't expect you to answer all the questions!  Just one or two would be absolutely great.  Every comment will help me to make the most of this course and to be a better blogger.  At least that is the plan!

Thank you for visiting and if I've not already introduced yourself please say hello.  And I hope you will come again....
One last thing, you may be interested in this:


I was excited to hear about this one day celebration of National Scrapbook Day organised by Big Picture Classes and what's more, it's FREE!  There will be 12 hours of creative challenges, live chat, giveaways, and lots of inspiration and interaction.  What fun!!  I don't know if you have checked out their classes before, but there is a good range on offer including some freebies.  It's worth a browse.


  1. I love your background. :D I'm new to your blog, but the only suggestion I have so far is to not limit the number of posts per page to such a small number. Maybe I'm just lazy (or confused) but I find it easier to scroll down than to keep clicking for older posts.

    I really like the idea of Storytelling Sunday, and really want to participate because it sounds very cool.

    Have a great day.

  2. -What draws you to a blog?
    Overall look of it, if it's a craft blog then if I like the person's work.

    -Is there anything about my blog you especially like?
    To be honest I'm new so cant answer that yet properly, but I will continue to read it.

    -Would you like more tutorials and links to other sites?
    Not links unless they're good DIYs, tutorials are good.

    -Do you like regular features such as WOYWW and Storytelling Sundays?

    -What could I do to make my blog better?
    More regular posts maybe.

    -I am thoughtful about redesigning my blog page, what would make it more user friendly? Should I have a sidebar?

    You don't HAVE to have a side-bar, you could keep it under your header and just have static pages, it's up to you, I have a side-bar each side on mine.

  3. Well, I have to say I like Storytelling Sunday :)

    What draws me to a blog? It has to OFFER me something - doesn't matter if it is great writing, great photos, great tips, but I think the best blogs allow you to leave feeling different from when you arrived.

  4. Oh Sandie if only I had more time to peruse bloggosphere..and linger a while and hop about and find fun things to do and be inspired by. No time for me I'm afraid so I'm no use in your poll! I like to link with people I've met online like we did through KRR's course and have met since. For me the real joy is meeting real people and sharing fun time together. Maybe i'll have more time after May is over. Take care! M xx

  5. Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate the time and thought and your comments are very useful.
    Loved what you said Sian, about the importance of a blog leaving you feeling different. What I also feel, but beautifully put into words.

  6. I love the background for your blog - your whole look is nice and clean and easy to read. I do like a regular feature - Sian's storytelling Sunday is one I particularly like. I really need much more time to visit blogs as I love to read them, but I love to scrap and take photos too! I tend to have a few 'core' blogs that I started reading on the first class and others that I have started reading, like yours, which I have come across in this class. I'm probably not much help as I can't really put my finger on what draws me into a blog, I just know when I read it if I want to carry on following it! Thanks for your comments on my blog too :)

  7. Sandie, I look forward to reading your blog to see what you have been up too. We have similar interests and it is nice to read somebody elses take on things. Keep up the good work x

  8. I agree with Sian - I subscribe to blogs on a range of topics, but they all are there because they have an impact on me - ideas or great writing or wonderful photos or lovely crafting or useful links. The way the blog is presented is as important, if not more so, than the subject matter
