Sunday 8 July 2018

5 in 5 - July 2018 - Celebrating 5 years! Day 4

Welcome to '5 in 5' where on the 5th of 
each month I post 5 photos that I have 
taken in 5 minutes.

If you have only just arrived, this months 5 in 5 photo challenge is slightly different. That's because 

we are celebrating it's 5th anniversary!
So just for this month only I am sharing my 5 in 5 collection on 10th July, and for the 5 days leading up I am sharing daily links to some of my favourite past posts. I hope you will see some for the first time or enjoy revisiting, and I hope there will be ideas to inspire you to join in. More about that below and for now why not take a short break, relax, and a brief look back in time:

I hope you will feel inspired to join in by sharing your own collection of 5 photos. You can find out how to do that, and link


I am planning a free give-away! To be in for a chance of winning one of my specially handmade books, just do one or more of the following: like my page, leave a comment or link your own 5in5 photo collection.  Each participation will you gain you another chance.  On day 7, Wednesday 11th July, I will randomly select a name and announce the winner. Be in it to win it!!

And don't forget to come back on 10th for this months 5 in 5 photos.

Thank you for popping by and I'll be back here with the final share of past posts. 


  1. Five years of 5 in 5! That's a fantastic achievent to keep it going for so long. I'm enjoying reading through some of your old posts. I missed 'Getting to the root of it ....' when it was originally posted so have just had a good read. I keep dipping into my family tree, get absorbed and spent hours on it for days at a time and then it gets put on the back burner for a while, until the next time ... and so it goes on. Have you done much work on it since this post.

  2. I am much the same Eileen, with researching family history. I have spent long periods of time at intervals, and now dip in and out when time and the inclination comes along. I have done a little more since the post but would like a couple of days to focus properly. There are always so many other distractions! Thank you for taking time to catch up with the past posts.
